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#SundayDevotional: I Was Created To Make An Impact

Excerpt from Ayo Otuyalo’s book A Personal Prayer Guide:  Bible Verse: Dear Theophilus, in the first volume of this book I wrote on everything that Jesus began to do and teach…  (Acts 1:1) This text points out that Jesus made such an impact that the author had to write all about it. Have you allowed the problems you are going through to defeat your self-worth and self-belief? Don’t allow these problems to kill your God-given mandate. As Christians, we are qualified by God to make an impact in the world because His spirit lives in us. We need to change our negative outlook and allow the resurrected Christ in us to EXPRESS HIS POWER through us so we can make an impact. However, it is not automatic that you will make an impact because you are a Christian. It also requires hardwork, focus and a high level of discipline. I declare that from today your life will no longer be meaningless as every God-given potential is activated in Jesus Name.   Prayer: Father,  I declare my life will no longer be meaningless as I activate every God-given potential. I locate my destiny and declare the fulfillment of the God-given mandate upon my life. I declare that I will excel in all that God has given me to do. In Jesus Name.   Have a blessed day!  
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