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Social Media Week Lagos 2019: Associates Wanted

Social Media Week Lagos
Social Media Week Lagos is on the lookout for volunteers willing to join its team as associates. They’re organizing the next edition of Nigeria’s biggest gathering of persons in the tech and creative venture ecosystem, coming up in February 2019; they’ll need a team to help out with this. If you’re a member of the country’s growing tech community or you’re keen on supporting an interconnected world, here’s your chance to make an impact. Founded in 2013 by Obi Asika and Ngozi Odita, Social Media Week Lagos (SMW Lagos) runs with a mission to promote shared learning and collaboration across the emerging digitally driven enterprise space. It’s a platform for linking people and businesses with the ideas and insights they need to succeed in today’s interconnected world. In 2018, Social Media Week Lagos had over 20,000 people attending its 212 sessions, which were facilitated by more than 400 speakers. Since its inception, it’s grown into an international event, attracting visitors from across Africa and elsewhere in the world. Last year, delegates came in from as far off as Abuja, Accra, Johannesburg, London, Toronto, New York and Washington DC. Next year’s event is expected to be even bigger; the SMW Lagos management is building a team of over 100 dedicated persons to help make it a success.

Who’s eligible to join the team?

Applicants should be passionate about transforming the entrepreneurial landscape through digital interconnectivity. They’re expected to be willing to put in the work that’s required – which could involve “rigorous physical activity” and “long hours” – and understand that it’s a privilege to be able to work on such a project. Interested persons should also be certain that they’ll be available for, and punctual to meetings. The various roles for which you can apply are explained here. If you’re selected to become an associate with Social Media Week, you’ll be paid for the work you’ll do following the event. You’ll also get branded shirts, packed lunch and whatever else is required to help you execute your tasks will be provided.

Application guidelines & deadlines

Interested persons should submit their applications on the SMW Lagos website. The deadline for submission is August 17. Resumes submitted will be reviewed and shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in October. If you’re picked for the role of associate, you’ll be sent a notification to this effect. Orientation and training for persons selected will hold in November 2018 and January 2019, respectively. Social Media Week Lagos 2019 will take place in February 2019. Click here to apply for an associate role with SMW Lagos.
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