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Six Ways To Develop A ‘Wealth Mindset’


  Wealth – everyone desires it. A life without a measure of wealth can be miserable. The desire to drive that sports car, to live on that estate palace on that exotic island, to visit the most jaw-dropping places for vacation, send our kids to Ivy League universities, eat finger-licking cuisines, wear that plush dress is those things that drive us into making money.
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To make our own paradise here on earth is something we all fantasize about and wish to see. It’s what drives us to think and work round the clock. Sadly, only a very few get this desired life. The road to wealth is a bumpy ride. Sometimes, abundance or lack of wealth is a function of our mindset. What is mindset? A mindset is a lens through which you view the world. Mindsets are made up of beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes that inform your thoughts and decisions. Wealthy people have a similar view of life; their mental make-up is similar. In this article, I’ll expose six secrets of the wealthy people’s mindset so you can apply them too.
  1. Have A Goal In Mind And Have The Patience To See It Through

This is the mindset of the wealthy. They have a clear picture of what they want and draft the direction in their minds or in a written form and pursue it. Their goal is their drive, they’re undeterred because they’re addicted to their goals.
  1. Money Is Not Evil

The reason why you’re not wealthy is that you’ve several misconceptions about money. Many people – especially religious people – ‘mis-define’ money as evil. No, money is not evil, it’s a tool for evil or good. Money doesn’t make you bad, it only amplifies your inherent badness. The same goes for being good. Money doesn’t make you good, it doesn’t define or shape your nature. You’re evil because you choose to be, you’re good because it’s your nature. People who despise wealth or the wealthy often end up not being wealthy. So, get comfortable with having so much money and use it as a force for good.
  1. They Hire or Collaborate With Experts To Fill In For Their Imperfections

They understand their weaknesses, their gap in knowledge, and don’t waste time trying to be perfect. Rather, they look for people who can get the job done and hire them. For example, Thomas Edison knew he wasn’t a genius in electrodynamics, he hired Nikola Tesla to fit in for his imperfections. You have a million-dollar idea and the truth is that not only you can bring it to fruition. You’ll need the right team to make it a reality. You want to fix a problem, you’ve got the idea, but you can’t code or make an app, don’t delay trying to learn how to build one, hire an app developer – there are a million of them. Collaborate with brilliant minds. There are famous examples – Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak of Apple Inc.; Bill Gates and Paul Allen of Microsoft Inc.; Larry Page and Sergy Brin of Google, etc.
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  1. They’re Futuristic About Their Investments

The wealthy are addicted investors. They believe money makes more money, and they do this through investments. They invest in their own business, in the businesses of others, or set up new investment businesses altogether. They are patient students of moneymaking. They don’t get involved in ‘get-rich-quick’ schemes or ponzi or bubble investments. They shoot their monies into multiple streams of companies with structures and fewer risks. For example, they invest in businesses and startups with futuristic values. They have an eye for what will yield returns in the future. For instance, because the future will be driven by electric automobiles, many wealthy people are investing in Tesla Inc. due to its possibility of increasing value in the future. Wealthy people invest in real estate because over the years assets appreciate. Look for what will sell in the future and invest in it.
  1. They Never Stop Learning

Wealthy people are lifelong learners. They get the best books, court the smartest people, watch and observe the times, always hellbent on stay ahead with information. They take their personal development very seriously. They invest in their libraries, attend conferences and trade fairs just to keep abreast with the trends.
  1. They Live Within Their Budget

They don’t spend because the money is available, they spend with a target in mind. They spend because they trying to avert an impending doom or save future costs. The wealthy people have a timeframe budget for everything – from food to health down to rent and utilities. They have health and property insurance. They spend fuel in order to refire to make more money. Featured Image Source: Unsplash
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