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Simple and Effective Routine for Treating Acne

I always get the “How do I get rid of the acne/blackheads (or whiteheads) on my face?”, “OMG! You have a smooth face, how do I achieve that?” questions and I’ve decided to share my 50 cents on the subject! Many people think that acne is just pimples. But a person who has acne can have: 1. Blackheads. 2. Whiteheads. 3. Papules. 4. Pustules (what many people call pimples). 5. Cysts. 6. Nodules. Acne appears mostly on the face but it can appear on other areas of the body; back, chest, neck, shoulders, upper arms and buttocks. Acne can cause more than just dark spots/blemishes. It may lead to: depression, scars, low self esteem etc. Most people who have acne are teenagers or young adults, but acne can occur at any age.   Causes Acne appears when a pore in the skin clogs. This clog begins with dead skin cells. Normally, dead skin cells rise to surface of the pore, and the body sheds the cells. But when the body starts to make lots of oil, it leads to trapping of the dead skin cells within. Sometimes bacteria that live on our skin also get inside the clogged pore. Inside the pore, the bacteria have a perfect environment for multiplying. With loads of bacteria inside, the pore becomes inflamed (red and swollen). If the inflammation goes deep into the skin, an acne cyst or nodule appears. Treatment A product containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid often clears the skin. This does not mean that the acne will clear overnight. Despite the claims, acne treatment does not work overnight. At-home treatment requires 4-8 weeks to see improvement. Once acne clears, you must continue to treat the skin to prevent breakouts For me, anything regarding skin has to be battled from both the inside and the outside, so here are a few tips to try:   1) Make Green Tea, Water, Lemon aka Dump Soda! Yes! Green tea works wonders on the skin. Believe me, it works. 2) Do not pop your pimples Just stop it! I’m certain that 90% of people suffering from acne reading this are guilty. It worsens your situation. Just don’t do it. 3) Exfoliate your skin at least 3 times a week. Make it your holy-grail routine, for your full body. Apricot scrubs are my favorite but you can also do the “Olive oil + Brown sugar” DIY scrub. Exfoliating your skin removes the dead cells and paves way for the fresher skin underneath. 4) Drinks loads and loads of water You can add lemon and cucumber to the water. It not only keeps the acne away, it detoxifies your system. 5) Never. Ever. Sleep. With. Makeup! Sleeping with your makeup on once or twice isn’t catastrophic but making it a habit? DISASTROUS! No matter how tired and sleepy you are, if you just don’t have the strength to properly wash your face, use your baby wipes (or makeup remover) and swipe it off! Always have wipes handy e.g. edge of the bed, office locker etc. 6) Don’t mix exercise and make up At least 30 minutes of exercise 4 times a week won’t kill you, it’ll only help your metabolism, tone-up your body (who doesn’t want the bikini-bod?) and keeps acne in check. Please, don’t wear makeup during workouts… clean it off first! 7) Take care of your brushes Clean after each makeup application with wipe, and deep clean (using warm water and brush shampoo / baby shampoo) every 2 weeks. For professional makeup artists, we know you clean your tools after each client-session and the rest, don’t share brushes with your friends … if you don’t want to transfer bacteria. 8) Eat right Put an end to junk food. Eat loads of apples and berries instead of sweets and candy. Remember, you are what you eat! 9) Avoid stress! Stressing out leads to acne breakouts! Relax! It’s never worth it. 10) Wash your face with clean warm water. Using dirty water can cause breakouts and hot water will rob the skin of its moisture, leading to dry skin. 11) Sleep! Get your beauty sleep. Don’t miss it for anything in the world. A good night’s rest not only keeps acne at bay but makes your makeup application easier. You won’t have to spend extra time on covering under-eye dark circles and/or puffy eyes. 12) In extreme cases, visit a dermatologist A dermatologist is not the enemy. If you have serious skin issues, Go see one today!   I hope this post helps you out there battling acne. For more information, read more of our beauty articles – which are numerous!!! Remember to love yourself, your body and embrace who you are. You are beautiful!         About the Writer: Zuka Williams is an Economist, a make-up artist and a beauty blogger. She blogs at and tweets @ZuWilliams_  
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