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The Privilege, Responsibility and Duty Of A Father

It is no secret that one of the major vital groups in life is the fathers. Fatherhood is both a privilege and a duty and responsibility remains the ideal bridge between the both. The fun of having a privilege is first having a sense of responsibility associated with it. Again, a duty becomes less boring and rather exciting when it is pursued with a sense of responsibility. This holds true for virtually everything of worth in life including fatherhood.

The moment a young man grows and desires to have a woman; it tells of an excitement towards a noble cause, that unveils a privilege. Amongst other things that bring joy to a married man is the privilege of having to father a baby, having his own children. Indeed, this is supposed to be fun, just that it is only a few that understand the duty attached to this privilege. Ignorance of this can spell ruin for the family and if care is not taken, the society at large.

In the midst of privilege and duty is responsibility.

Fatherhood is a privilege that demands a sense of responsibility to successfully execute the duties attached to it.

Duties of a Responsible Father

While this post may not be addressing the entire necessary prerequisite before fatherhood.

To the wife…

Love and affection.

Research has really shown that the relationship of a man with his wife has a huge effect on the upbringing of children. How healthy that relationship is, says a lot about the health and stability of the home, hence, the need for fathers and fathers-to-be to understand that the duty of fatherhood even starts from the duty of the man. Amongst many other things that could be termed a duty and responsibility is the vital place of love and affection since a careful observance of this answers to many other functions a man owes the wife. Love and affection carry along faithfulness and fidelity, provision and protection, patience and understanding, wisdom and truth.

To the children…

Love, instruction in righteousness, provision and protection.

The age we are in is so bedevilled with forces that seem to estrange the relationship between the father and the children, most times the male children. And there are also a number of cases of unhealthy relationships between the father and their female children. To manage this, every father and all fathers-to-be must nurture the right sense of responsibility. Apart from joining God in the work of creation by procreating, there is a duty which is demanded from every responsible father blessed with this privilege. Understand that you are God’s partner in building a model society, a God-fearing society, so the need to evaluate your life, lead a life worthy of emulation, a life free from ills and vices, a life embellished with virtues. Many times it is not so much money that makes a good father, it involves that but has more to do with sound wisdom, availability and time, knowledge, and the conscious effort to build a life. It also demands discipline in all ramifications of it.

To be an effective father, you really need God, for whoever He grants that honour and privilege, He also expects to stay around Him to learn how to effectively carry out the noble task, as He is FATHER NO.1


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