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HELD AT ADEYEMI BERO HALL, ALAUSA – IKEJA ON FRIDAY, 11TH MAY, 2018. EVENT: 2ND NASSI MSME TRADE FAIR DATE: THUR. 17 – SUNDAY 20 MAY, 2018 VENUE: ADEYEMI BERO HALL, ALAUSA SECRETARIAT, IKEJA THEME: “MSMEs AS CATALYST TO NIGERIA’S EXPORT PROMOTION AGENDA”   INTRODUCTION The Nigerian Association of Small Scale Industrialists (NASSI) was founded in 1978 to cater for the growth and developmental needs of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the country. NASSI has branches in the 36 States of Nigeria, with headquarters in Abuja.   OUR MANDATE The mandate of our association includes but not limited to:
  1. Advocacy with government and government agencies
  2. Capacity building
  3. Encouraging networking among members
  4. Collaborating with international government agencies as well as other Business Membership Organizations (BMOs).
  5. Creating access to appropriate, low-interest funding from all available sources
  6. Market development
  7. Marketing of locally-made products and services.
This Fair is, therefore, being organized to fulfil part of the mandate to create market for MSME products.   THE FAIR The goal of the Fair is to seize the opportunity of current realities of the need to diversify the nation’s economy by promoting made-in-Lagos products in particular and made-in-Nigeria products in general. Through the awareness that the fair will create, there shall be increased patronage of locally-made goods and services. This will result in business expansion; boost to the local economy; saving of foreign exchange through less dependence on foreign products; earning of foreign exchange through export; employment generation and wealth creation among others.   BENEFITS
  1. Massive exposure of locally-made products and services
  2. Increased patronage of companies’ products and services
  3. Increased revenue and profit
  4. Exposure to International market
  5. Attraction of foreign exchange
  6. Increased Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  7. Higher wealth creation
  8. Reduction in unemployment
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