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Prank Alert: Facebook Isn’t After Your Post

If you’ve been on Facebook recently, you must have come across a recent status update by some of your friends rescinding Facebooks right to use any of their picture, information or publication. Warning you that if you don’t copy and paste this message you Facebook history will become public.

The full text of the message is as follows:

“All you posts can become public tomorrow. Even the messages that have been deleted or the photos not allowed. After all, it does not cost anything for a simple copy and paste.

Better safe than sorry is right. Channel 13 news was just talking about this change in Facebook privacy policy. I do not give Facebook or any entities associated with Facebook permission to use my pictures, information or posts both past and future. By this statement, I give notice to Facebook it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its content. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308-1 1 308-103 and the Rome statute).

NOTE: Facebook is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you prefer you can copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once it will be tactically allowing the use of your photos as well as the information contained in the profile status updates. DO NOT SHARE. You MUST copy and paste.”

Well if you came across this please be informed that IT’S A PRANK. Someone must have decided to have fun at every other person’s expense.

If you’re worried about your privacy, then you might have to go back to Facebook’s term of use which you agreed upon when you signed up on Facebook. According to it, you provide Facebook a “non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free worldwide license to use any content you post.” You do not need to make any declarations about copyright issues since the law already protects you. The privacy declaration which people have posted on their wall can’t negate any right the person has already granted Facebook. Except if you make changes to your settings, your Facebook history is already public.

Also, Facebook has a data policy that governs how information is shared and states that users select what information is public and private. Only users can turn their posts, photos and so on from private to public. Please go to you settings and make changes as you will.

So please kindly disregard the copy and paste post as it’s only a joke at your expense.

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