By Nehi Igbinijesu
The throng of loving singing
To a sire once beloved
Pretty-so very pretty
That He gave both sky and all
To rule and guide
Both beast and clime
Seconding only Jove
Then pride crept filled
With dance and feats
That made “me” not need us
To chide and wield
All that you gave
Not forgetting “my” omnibus
A third yet sang
In snarling sounds I sing
Convinced that I’d be everything
Until that rage august
O glorious Lord-king
Then my black-holing
Bitter, fraught with fear
Alone with my losing cheer
Unable, to undo the tear
The now gulfs between
My lust and Jove.
This Poem is part of the anthology of 30 Poems titled: “Dirges of The Niger” By Nehi Igbinijesu.