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What Parents-To-Be Should Know About Preeclampsia

Photo: Shutterstock

A smooth pregnancy, free of complications, is what we all pray for. However, life happens sometimes, and it’s in the best interest of mum, dad and baby to be aware of possible complications in pregnancy, and how they can be avoided.

Before I got pregnant, I had no idea what preeclampsia was, or that a person could develop high blood pressure in pregnancy without any history of hypertension. By the time I had overcome preeclampsia, I knew more about it than I could ever have imagined. Here are just a few things every expecting parent should know about preeclampsia:

A mum with preeclampsia may go into spontaneous preterm labour like I did, or her doctor may decide to bring the baby out before term, to save both lives. Caring for a preterm baby is a different experience altogether; I’ll share what I learnt from my experience in a subsequent article.

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