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Nuts About Nutmeg

Nuts About Nutmeg -
One popular ingredient that plays a vital role in Nigerian Moi Moi, Chin Chin and Puff Puff is Nutmeg. It is an ingredient that is hailed for the unique taste it gives to this variety of foods. It is said to have many curative benefits, as it is  commonly grown in the Carribean and Southern Indian. The spice is said to help stop diarrohea and when used in low dose can help to detoxify the body. Nutritionally, nutmeg is highly rich in energy, carbohydrates, proteins and dietary fibre. It contains vitamins A, C. and E, among other minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium.

Other Benefits of Nutmeg

It aids healing of respiratory problems:

Nutmeg can be found in cough syrup medicines as it helps with respiratory problems such as cough from common cold. It is said to even treat asthma. It is helpful in relieving congestion that resorts from cold.

Brain Booster:

One vital importance of nutmeg is that it stimulates one’s brain. For students it helps to increase concentration and assimilation rate as it help with circulating blood better to the brain. However, do not read this and attempt to take it in large quality, because excessive use can cause delirium.

Cleanse Bad Breath:

Do you have bad breath or you notice anyone does? Here is a little secret, give such person meals prepared with nutmeg or the nut itself for consumption. It is helpful in treating bad breath. This is why nutmeg oil is used in making different kinds of toothpaste. Please try incorporating it in your diet, as it would help in curing toothaches and gum problems.

Medicine For The Heart:

Take a dose of nutmeg as treatment dosage for better heart health. It helps stimulates heart functions and increase blood circulation.

Causes Sleep:

Do you have trouble sleeping? Is Lagos condition driving you nuts? Add Nutmeg to your tea, or coffee or even drink it as herbal tea, not sure of these options, sprinkle the seeds into your dessert. It produces serotonin that helps beat insomnia by inducing relaxation.

It is an Aphrodisiac:

Well, this spice is an excellent aphrodisiac. It can help drive your relationship to the right turn.
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