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NLPGA’s Conference and Exhibition 2016: Experts Explore Opportunities for Nigeria’s LPG Industry

The Nigerian Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association (NLPGA) held its 6th annual conference and exhibition on Thursday, December 1, 2016. The conference, which took place at the Federal Palace Hotel in Victoria Island, Lagos, had in attendance key stakeholders in Nigeria’s gas industry. They discussed viable strategies for the LPG industry and deliberated on what practicable options were available for the country to explore and pursue on the path to reliance upon cleaner and healthier energy.

At the discussion panel, experts examined the challenges faced by Nigeria in its attempt to extend and deepen the coverage of LPG use in the country. The panel’s focus was in line with the conference’s theme, LPG Revolution: The Beginning.

Dayo Adesina, in his opening address, said that the NLPGA had a target annual LPG consumption volume of at least 5 million, up from the current annual consumption rate of about 400,000 metric tons. He referred to the success of Indonesia, which he said was able to get 53 million homes to use gas in 3 years, and suggested that it was possible for the Federal Government to implement its plan to transit 5 million homes to LPG in the next 2 years. According to him, Nigeria had to move quickly in the direction of greater per capita consumption of gas, as it was a more efficient and safer alternative to traditional fuels.

“Today, in the energy mix of cooking, firewood takes pride of place with 60%, kerosene 30%, coal 5%, and LPG a dismal 5%”, Mr. Adesina pointed out. “With that comes a lot more responsibility.”

Peter Cameron, a UK based Consultant Expert and one of the speakers at the event, advocated for more effort to be directed towards developing the local market for LPG. He said that the world was “awash with gas”, and that the times were not suited for a continued reliance on oil exports either. This point was also emphasized by some of the other speakers. Dada Thomas, President of the Nigeria Gas Association, identified the lack of infrastructure an underdeveloped market structure, and a widespread but inaccurate belief that gas was more expensive than traditional fuels, as the major obstacles that were impeding the progress of Nigeria’s LPG industry.

The Women in LPG (WINLPG) and the NLPGA also launched WINLPG in Nigeria. Speakers at the launch included Nikki Brown, Chair of the WINLPG Global Network; Alison Abbot, Communications Director, WLPGA; and Nkechi Obi, Executive Vice-President, Techno Oil and coordinator, WINLPG in Nigeria; Dr. Orode Doherty, Country Director, Africare Nigeria, among others. Dr. Doherty pointed out that women were crucial to the campaign for greater LPG use, especially because they were more involved in cooking, an activity accounting for much of the consumption of less efficient fuels like kerosene and firewood in the country.

Actress Omotola Jalade-Ekehinde was also unveiled as the brand ambassador for the NLPGA. Dayo Adesina referred to her new role with the NLPGA as “a great addition to the fight for renewable energy and total conversion to liquefied petroleum gas in Nigeria”. On her part, Omotola noted that information concerning the benefits of LPG had to be passed across to Nigerians.

“We must now reach out to women and indeed families on the need to embrace the use of liquefied petroleum gas, which is healthier, safer, and even more cost effective,” she said.

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