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Nigerians: Black, Bold and Beautiful

The interconnectivity of the world has torn down the wall of differences that existed between nationals of different countries. While the world has gradually drifted from being a global village to a global bedroom due to the rise in technological innovations and the impact of social impact, one thing that distinguishes citizens of different nations is their colour, tongue and disposition to life. As countries of the world brag of the several mineral and material resources available to them that makes them unique, influential and prosperous, Nigeria can boast of having the best of resources that can bring about the desired wealth and prosperity other nations boast of. The greatest asset that we have as a nation that we can be proud of at any point in time is OUR PEOPLE. As I travel through the various cities and villages of this great nation, one thing that fascinates me about this nation is our people, and this reaffirms my resolute hope in a brighter future for this great nation. As a child is born into this nation, he automatically imbibes our values and seamlessly displays our uniqueness. We are a unique breed with several potentials. We have the power to surmount challenges no matter how strong they appear and we can survive any circumstance no matter how difficult it seems. Our complexion is unique as we require little or no expensive ointment to enhance our skin. We are black and are blessed with the highly nutritional shea butter to nurture our skin. Though dark skinned, we have been able to compete favourably with the white who perceive themselves as superior. We have been able to produce the first black African Miss World. – Agbani Darego in the year 2001. Hence, our colour has won us a space in the sands of history. Our ability to thrive in the face of competition with other races of the world speaks volumes about our self-esteem. We carry ourselves with so much elegance and this has endeared the world to us, so much that we are even featured on foreign platforms. Our rich cultural heritage draws foreigners to us and our tradition marvels them. Another uniqueness of our people that separates us from the rest of the world is our boisterous attitude. We cannot be ignored or silenced. We can reach out for any opportunities without allowing the risk overshadow us. Our nationals are spread all over the world and have a way of surviving in the face of harsh weather conditions and tight economic situations. We do not allow our present circumstances dictate our mood; rather we know how to find humour out of every difficult situation. That is why a late music legend of our nation- Fela Anikulapo Kuti sang a song referring to us as “Suffering and Smiling”. We do not get tired of trying even if we fail several times. Courage defines us. Just recently, a 22-year-old Nigerian graduate of Coventry University got himself a job and several interviews after taking an innovative and radical approach to job hunting by staying at a train station and displaying a sign with ‘Marketing graduate (BA Hons 2:1 Coventry Uni) Ask for CV.’ Only a Nigerian would have done this. This singular act attracted the whole world, and it trended in the news. Beyond our colour and attitude is our heart. We can pride ourselves on having a beautiful heart. This can be seen in our ability to stay together as one nation despite all challenges we have faced as a nation. Though our tongues and tribes differ, in brotherhood we still stand. We are so hospitable to visitors that we sometimes put aside our comfort to make sure our visitors are well entertained and feel at home. An example is the refusal of the government to close her borders to nations ravaged by the deadly Ebola Virus. We are so forgiving that we sometimes forget our past experiences and still give our offenders a chance such as in the case of the Ekiti gubernatorial elections. We prefer to put our lives on the line rather than see our brothers and sisters wounded, injured or dead as in the case of late Dr. Ameyo Adadevoh of First Consultants Medical Centre. I boldly state that we are a rare breed, special species and peculiar type of God’s creation and when asked what makes me tick as a Nigerian? I simply say- I am Black, Bold and Beautiful. Black in colour, Bold in attitude and Beautiful at heart.     About the author: Aderonke Akinola-Akinwole is a graduate of the University of Lagos and Babcock University where she obtained a Master’s Degree in Public and International Affairs and a Bachelor of Science Degree in International Law and Diplomacy respectively. Her work experience spans Community Relations, Corporate Relations, as well as Travel Management, Human Resources Administration and Internal Communications. Aderonke is a speaker as she has been privileged to speak to students of various secondary schools. She also has a flair for writing to motivate readers and help young people achieve greatness in their endeavors.
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