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Important Tips To Know When You’re Flying For The First Time

When you are doing something for the first time, you may feel very nervous and anxious. It’s even worse if you’re about to board a plane. Although the experience may be enjoyable, the unsavoury things you’ve heard about flying may make you nervous. Aside from that, other important factors can disrupt your flight that you are probably unaware of because this is your first flight.

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This article will walk you through the process with a list of first-time flyer tips.

Book Your Flight in Advance

Try not to leave booking a flight until the last minute. You’ll end up paying significantly more than if you booked your flight at least a month in advance. Two or three months in advance will usually give you an advantage.

Maintain a small and light carry-on bag.

You should bring a portable bag in which to store valuables such as passports and other important travel documents. It is more convenient to reach them whenever you need them.

Learn the Dos and Don’ts

What can you bring and what cannot? What is the maximum allowable baggage weight? Is it possible to bring your child’s stroller on the plane? These are the details that every traveler should be aware of. You wouldn’t want to have issues with the weight limit just minutes before boarding, would you? It only takes a few clicks on your airline app, which you should have downloaded when you booked your flight, to find out the technical rules for your flight.

Prepare Important Documents

Some important documents are required for you to board your scheduled flight.

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Passports, identification cards, travel visas, a negative test, and other documents may be required depending on the type of flight and where you are traveling to and from.

Arrive at the airport as soon as possible.

Whether you are flying within or outside of Nigeria, you should arrive at the airport as early as possible. This will help to calm you down. However, if you are a first-time flyer and arrive late, you will appear disorganized and uncoordinated. As a result, you may miss your flight. You can also arrive a day early and stay in one of the airport hotels.

Put on comfortable clothes.

Flying, like any other mode of transportation, can be extremely time-consuming. Even if you get good seats, it won’t change the fact that you’ll be sitting there for hours. Wear comfortable clothing whenever you fly.

Bring Essentials for the Flight

These are the kinds of things you’d bring on a classic road trip. A book, snacks, a great podcast, or a movie to watch in flight. Don’t forget your neck pillow and noise-canceling headphones with a cord to listen to in-flight entertainment.

Avoid junk food and drink plenty of water.

Consume real food rather than junk food. You don’t want to throw up in the airport or on the plane. You are very likely to vomit if you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

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Remember to stay hydrated while in the airport and on your flight. Especially if the flight is particularly long.

Don’t be afraid.

Don’t think about all the flying stories you’ve heard. You should expect nothing to happen. If you think about it too much, you might decide not to travel. It is not easy, but you must overcome your fear or paranoia.

Carry no cash.

It is not advisable to carry cash when flying, especially for the first time. You might end up losing your money. Before you leave, contact your bank to learn how to obtain an ATM card that can be used anywhere in the world. Furthermore, if you must carry cash, do not carry too much cash.


Everyone else in the airport has taken their first flight. Some may even be flying for the first time at the same time as you. So don’t get too worked up about it. If you’re nervous about the flight itself, settle into your seat and listen to music or a podcast when it’s time to take off and land. That way, you can maintain your cool and remind yourself that flying is far safer than driving.

Traveling can be stressful at times, but if you take some deep breaths and visualize yourself at your destination, you will feel much more at ease. You’ll have landed and been ready to explore before you know it. Flying for the first time can be intimidating, but with these tips, you should feel much more at ease as you embark on your journey!

Featured Image Source: Jessie on a Journey
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