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How To Prepare Yamarita Fries

Yamarita is simply boiled yam, coated with egg, and then, fried into a delicious, crispy, brown delight. Yamarita, also called ‘dun dun oniyeri’ or toasted yam egg, is a very easy and straightforward meal to cook and can be eaten with a variety of stews and sauces. Ingredients Directions
  1. Cut yam into rings, depending on the quantity you want and peel the skin off
  2. Slice the yam into rectangular shapes, and rinse them into a medium pot.
  3. Add water to slightly cover the yam, add salt to your taste and place the pot on heat and cover it to boil.
  4. Boil till the yam is soft. The yam should be soft, but not as soft as the ones you make for porridge.
  5. Bring the soft yam down from heat and drain the water completely and still close the pot back to retain the heat.
  6. Whisk the eggs into a bowl, and add the seasoning cube, curry pepper, onion and a little salt. Whisk all into the egg and keep this aside.
  7. Sieve the flour into a different bowl, mix it into a paste, season with a little salt and keep aside
  8. Heat up oil in a fry pan or pot deep enough to fry the yams till it is very hot.
  9. While the oil is on the heat, bring the boiled yam, using a fork or your hand, start by rolling them one by one, first in the egg mix and next into the sieved flour and allow the flour and egg to coat the yam completely then into the hot oil to fry. Or, you can coat all of them, first in the egg wash and in the flour and keep in a different bowl before frying, whichever you prefer.  Don’t overcrowd the pan; fry the yam in batches, depending on the size of your frying pan, to allow the yam fry properly.
  10. Fry until both sides are golden brown.
  11. When you are done frying the yams, place on a  paper towel to drain the oil completely.
  12. Finally, reduce oil in the frying pan and fry the remaining egg mix or use it to make tomato egg sauce
  13. Serve as snacks with juice or sauce
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