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How To Do Pushups Correctly


I’m pretty sure 95% of us already know what to do before, during and after a gym workout session to get the best results. If you are wondering what I am going on about, then I suggest you read this. One of the very best exercises ever invented is the pushup (Oh! thank God for the caveman who thought about this).

It requires zero equipment; all you need do is have your technic right and you’ve got all you need.

Pushups are quite easy and refreshing too. You can build almost any muscle on your upper body with this exercise. Yet people still can’t get it right. Why? It’s simply because it’s too easy. Most people just wake up one morning and decide to begin pushups without trying to figure the many different technics involved.

Discussed below are three parts to a complete pushup: the posture, the fall and the push.

•      Posture

How you position your body from your head to your toes matter a whole lot if you would complete a perfect push up.

First, depending on how good you are with pushups and how comfortable you feel doing it, go to the ground and place both hands on the floor at any angle you’d prefer (the distance between both hands should be your chest width). Personally, I like my fingers facing towards my face.

At this point, tilting your waist high towards the sky is a no-no, your body should be flat like a straight line. Now you can either space your legs or put them close to each other as you see fit. Either way works out just good.

If you got this posture correctly then you just successfully completed your first step.

You deserve some accolades now.

Now, with the posture you just completed, go down until your elbow makes an almost perfect 90 degrees angle with your body ( I usually go lower till my chest touches the floor).

Remember, your waist should not be caught pointing upwards, we don’t want that.

Now the most interesting part- push your self up!

You’re good to go.

Try to keep track of the schedule or number of pushups you do daily, and make plans to increase them with time. This will help your body adjust and build itself rightly.

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