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Horrible Things People Do To Cure Acne – Better Safe Than Sorry!


As humans, it is our nature that our endurance level is sparse, which is why we want everything to work miraculously with the blink of an eye. Take acne for instance– women skip from treatments to treatments with hopes that they might find a genie inside a skincare product, which would magically vanish their zits in a night and grant them a flawless skin the next morning. People take acne more personally than they should – from locking oneself inside the room and awkwardly hiding their face behind their hands every, to constantly looking in the mirror and wishing that all the zits would automatically disappear. This depicts how terrible acne makes us feel. Before jumping into any assumptions about your skin, the right way to start your treatment is to analyze why you are having acne at the first place. People do many things to cure acne, which is not only wrong but also extremely harmful for their skin. Some of them can leave terrible results for a lifetime, and sure nobody wants that. I have compiled some of the common mistakes below that anyone with acne should avoid. The Self-Blame Game According to scientific research, many people face acne because they have it in their genes. If it is running in your family, you will probably have it too. Adolescent age is the time to find out how your hormones are going to react on your skin. But even if you are still getting acne in your twenties, it does not mean you are responsible for it. But blaming does not lead one anywhere. Excessively Washing Your Face A lot of people think that washing face every so often can limit the bad oil from stretching its territory and that water can clean bacteria around the pimples. This is, unfortunately, a most common misconception. Memorize it now and don’t ever erase it from your head – don’t wash your face more than twice a day. You hear me right! Washing your face more than two times a day can overdrive the oil production. This means you are thinking that you are cleaning your face but in the real sense, you are making your skin more vulnerable by boosting oil production that could actually cause your skin pores to clog, which would, in turn, lead to acne. Over-Exfoliating, Over-Toning, Over-Treating Your Skin With acne, our skin turns enormously sensitive to almost everything. Over-caring by washing, scrubbing, working, massaging more than you should, can only make it worse. Exfoliate your skin not more than once a week. Harshly exfoliating has results more dreadful than those of over-washing because exfoliating skin a couple of times a week can burst whiteheads. And a ruptured whitehead releases bacteria that spreads across the skin can lead to more zits. Same thing goes for harsh scrubs or cleansers that many people use on daily basis. Treating Your Skin with Too Many Products Once acne hits our faces, we look for miracles in every other skin product ad we see. Layering your skin with tons of creams, gels, toners, scrubs, and cleansers from different treatment brands is clearly not the way out for you. Don’t use more than one treatment at a time. And stick to one product until you see results. Usually, it takes at least two weeks for a product to show results. You can also contact your dermatologist if things are getting out of your hand, but sticking to a product for 15 days is important. Before purchasing any product, check online for treatment reviews and see testimonials. Using Wrong Products A friend tells you about a beauty cream she has been using for the last couple of months, and you can tell by her skin how glowing it has become. So you go straight home and order that same product because you think it’s miraculous, but what happens then? Zero results! Why? Because your friend’s skin is completely different from the type of skin you have. Acne treatment products are made of various different ingredients that are not suitable for all. This is when the dermatologist can help you. You need to understand which things are suitable for your skin and this is why it is utterly important to read thoroughly about a product’s ingredients before buying or using it. Apart from all the above reasons I mentioned, tons of horrible things can increase your acne – take overstressing, picking zits, or constantly touching your face for instance. To fight against acne you need to alter your lifestyle as a whole to see positive. Don’t just limit yourself to beauty products. Make sure to follow healthy measures, like keeping your clothes, towels, and pillows clean and by eating a healthy diet.
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