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Finding Balance Between Fun and Focus

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Striking a balance between fun and focus can be a herculean task. Sometimes we prioritize work and school focusing solely on results, grades and achievements, and forgetting the real world out there for us to explore and have fun. On the contrary, some give little attention to school/work because they believe their social life trumps every aspect of their lives. Problems arise when one neglects other important areas of his/her life. You may lose friends and family if you preoccupy yourself with school/work but may also be taken less seriously if you largely focus on fun. These areas, if not balanced, will negatively influence your success and happiness. The balance between focus and fun is key to a happy successful life. At a very young age, I was made to understand that a child educated only at school is an uneducated child. The advice I received still echoes in my head – “As you pass through the school; try to allow the school to pass through you.” Fun, including personal relationships, is essential to one’s general health, wellbeing and optimal functioning. The health of your fun-focus balance depends on the quality of your relationships. If you have been opportune to be part of a sports team, you’d notice that every coach sets aside days for his team to socialize and bond together. This is based on the cliché that  “It’s not the best team that always wins, but the team that plays best together.” For a team to perform effectively and efficiently, the members must learn to work together and understand how to relate to one another. Teachers, managers, mentors and entrepreneurs also advise their students, subordinates or staff to take some time off and have fun to refresh their minds, lower their stress levels and renew their focus. Emotions have a huge effect on an individual’s health – whether physical, mental or social health. Emotional wellbeing can affect your academic, professional and personal success. It is important to set goals and be passionate about them but we need to balance all kinds of things in our lives. Before you can be the real you, you ought to have a balanced life. Finding a balance in everything that you do allows you to live a balanced life and enjoy the best of both worlds.
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