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Free Workspace Available At CapitalSquare On March 17, 2017

CapitalSquare’s coworking spaces will be having open hours on Friday, March 17. It’s an opportunity for freelancers, home workers, and small business owners to have a feel of what it’s like to get their work done while surrounded by other entrepreneurs.

CapitalSquare periodically opens their doors to gold-getters who are working on their own startups. Every third Friday of the month, they give entrepreneurs a space to sit and work, supply them with high-speed WiFi and power, and surround them with other business minded and fun-to-work-with kind of people- all for free.

Entrepreneurs who take advantage of this month’s complimentary coworking Friday will get to meet new people, work in a social environment, exchange ideas, and perhaps collaborate on a new project.

If you’re interested in working from either of CapitalSquare’s workspaces (Ikoyi or Lekki) on this month’s complimentary coworking Friday, you can click here to register.

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