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Did You Know? 8 Foods That To Boost Your Child’s Brain Power


  Many months ago, you were marvelled by the miracle of your child’s birth. While you were accepting congratulations and staring at your bundle of joy, something happened. The weight of responsibility for this new life settled comfortably on your shoulders. I’m sure you now know that one of the biggest responsibilities of parenting is ensuring the healthy development of your children. One way to do this is to feed them right.
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When kids eat balanced meals, their bodies and even their brains are nourished by it. Children’s intelligence and cognitive powers are a product of what they eat. Therefore, if you want your kid(s) to have proper brain development and function, here are foods that can boost their brainpower: Egg: When it comes to brain power, Nne, give this cheap, small but mighty food some respect. Studies indicate that children’s memory develops in the first six years of their life and eggs aid their memory development. They are rich in folate, Vitamins A and D and Iron. Eggs also contain choline which is a vital nutrient for memory development; in fact,  one egg yolk contains about two hundred milligrams of this nutrient. So, go ahead and feed different varieties of this food to your children. Dark Chocolate: Sweets are little treats that bring joy to the souls of children. Even though we often worry about the negative effects of these on our children’s health, we still find ourselves offering these treats to them several times during the course of the week. Well, the solution to this problem is to give healthy sweets. Dark chocolate is one of those healthy sweets. Studies indicate that it contains cocoa flavanol and caffeine; they increase blood flow to the brain and also improve thinking and mood. Avocados: If you’re looking for sweet, healthy fat, just look the avocado way. Avocados are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. These increase blood flow to the brain.
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Oranges: Do you know that Vitamin C plays a major role in mental decline prevention? Indeed, Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that fights free radicals that can damage brain cells. It can also help protect against age-related mental decline and Alzheimer’s disease. Now, all the Vitamin C that you need for a day can be found in one medium-sized orange. Get one, eat it and reap the health benefits. Fish: There are different deliciously creative ways to prepare this food. So, find what works for your children. Regular consumption of fatty fish slows down the ageing process of the brain. What’s more, fish is rich in Omega 3 fatty acid which helps to enhance problem-solving abilities, concentration and memory. Beans: As children, most of us didn’t like this food; but our parents associated the consumption of this food with growth and we were encouraged to eat it. Well, beans is a rich source of protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fibre. Most importantly, it is excellent brain food. It contains Omega 3 which is important for brain function and growth. It also increases a child’s energy, concentration and thinking level. Milk and Yoghurt: These are nutritious foods. They are packed with protein, vitamins and minerals. These are essential for the growth of brain tissues, neurotransmitters and enzymes. Why not include these in their meal plan? Leafy Vegetables: Don’t tell me that your kids dislike vegetables. Don’t even allow them to get away with disliking it. Find creative ways to use this food; the more colourful they are, the better. Vegetables are a rich source of antioxidants. These keep the brain cells healthy. In conclusion, when planning meals for your children, please ensure that they have the nutrients that they need for proper brain function. Sources: Mom Junction On Health Featured Image Source: Pinterest
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