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Facebook Like Button Launches New Extensions

Facebook on Wednesday launched improved emotions for it’s “Like” button. Understanding that “Like” means more than just a thumbs up, Facebook has given its users six alternative ways to express their feelings: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, and Angry. The alternatives pop up when the Like button is held down for 2 seconds. Sometimes Like is not an appropriate emotion towards posts, especially when a post is sad or causes one to be angry. The seven-year-old Like button has not always been an appropriate sentiment for expressing emotions. Mark Zuckerberg has handled criticisms associated with the Like button and the need for a “Dislike” button. Instead of having to “dislike” posts, it would be more appropriate to rather express sad or angry reactions. According to Business Insider, “I think people have asked about the dislike button for many years,” Zuckerberg said last year September. “Today is a special day because today is the day I can say we’re working on it and shipping it.” These reactions would help users express themselves more. Facebook has maintained its stance as a friend zone. We do not have to dislike friends’ posts but we can show them we are angry or sad about matters that are disturbing.
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