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Everyday Heroes: Josephine Okei-Odumakin

Joe Obiajulu

Encomium Magazine

Josephine “Joe” Obiajulu Okei-Odumakin has been on the scene of Nigeria’s Women’s rights activism for a very long time; both at the background and as a front-liner. She has been the president for the group, Women Arise for Change Initiative and Campaign for Democracy. Okei-Odumakin also serves as the Executive Director for the Institute of Human Rights & Democratic Studies as well as being an integral member of several other activist organizations.

Early Days and Education

Odumakin was born in Zaria, Kaduna on the 4 July 1966 and she grew up in a Roman Catholic household. She received a bachelor’s degree in English Education in 1987, followed by a Master’s in Guidance and Counseling and Doctorate in History and Policy of Education from the University of Ilorin.

Joe’ the Activist! Joe’ Our Hero!

Joe Okei-Odumakin has followed the strange path that most people do not dare to tread. For about three decades, Joe Okei-Odumakin has exhibited a strong interest in and concern for increasing human rights violations in Nigeria and around the world; and this she has done with consistency and unwavering determination for survival of democracy in Nigeria. For example, She has been involved in over 2,000 cases where a woman’s rights had been disregarded. The cases included extrajudicial killings of women or their husbands by the police. The rights of their children were also ignored by the Nigerian school or even hospital authorities. This path hasn’t actually been a path of roses, it has actually been a hazardous path. For instance, Joe’s activism led to her being detained 17 times during the military rule of Ibrahim Babangida and his IBB regime. In 1994, Joe was accosted by the police and beaten nearly to death and detained for pasting posters protesting against one of the world’s most violent regimes. Later that same year, while addressing a rally, Joe sustained serious injuries as she was again violently seized by soldiers and imprisoned.

Joe’ Okei-Odumakin: A Driving Force and a Flaming Passion

Being an unshakeable voice in the Nigerian civil rights movement, her efforts have drawn attention not just in the African cycles but even internationally. Her active involvement in civil society has enabled her to serve in various capacities; some of these include serving as Assistant General Secretary, General Secretary & President of the Campaign for Democracy [CD] successively since 2006.

Her drive is basically this, “In Africa, and specifically in Nigeria, the price we pay for silence is great. In addition to rape, molestation, enslavement, denied opportunities and the rest, young girls are being abducted. The price is great, to fight for what is right. It is even greater, more so, fatal, to be silent.” Furthermore, she comments, “Women would handle affairs better if given the opportunity. History is replete with women dynamically changing how the society runs,” “Organizing women to assert their rights and taking their destiny in their hands rather than being apologetic.”

These disposition of heart has given her internationally recognition and awards. Some of these includes the International Women of Courage Award from the United States Department of State; an award that was presented to her personally by Michelle Obama and John Kerry on International Women’s Day in 8th March, 2013. The award is given to phenomenal women who have demonstrated exceptional courage and leadership in advocacy for human rights and women empowerment — often at great personal risk. She has also gained a lot of recognitions. One of these was the Recognition for Selfless Service, by the International Institute for Humanitarian & Environmental Law. Kwame Nkrumah Leadership on Humanitarian Services/Icon of Hope — West African Students Union. She is also regarded as The Defender of Women — Human Rights Now. Ambassador of Goodwill for USA State of Arkansas to the people of nations beyond the USA.

Joe’ Okei-Odumakin: The People’s Verdict

A lot of people have made commendations about Joe’ Okei-Odumakin, her heart, resilience and her efforts. For instance, former US Ambassador to Nigeria, Dr. Walter Carrington comments, “she is a fearless, fiery champion of democracy and human rights.” The Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka describes her as “a tireless fighter whose frail bearing bellies an inner strength and resilience purpose, a veteran of affirmative marches, of crude arrest and detentions, batons, charges and tear gas who has lent luster to the struggle for justice and human dignity, who remain an inspiration of men and women, old and young”

She is also the Executive Director, Institute of Human Rights & Democratic Studies; Founding President, Women Arise for Change Initiative; Chairman, Task Force of the Citizen Forum; President, Centre for Change in Community Development & Public Awareness; President, Centre for Participatory Democracy; and Spokesperson for the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations in Nigeria.





Featured image source: Encomium Magazine

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