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Every Man Like Jesus

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What if every man was Jesus What difference would it make? Would I help the lonely drifters? Male, female, gay and straight Would you give your life to tell him? Or risk her spitting in your face What if every man was Jesus Who on earth would you hate? That beastly beggar is Jesus Yes her hand you dare not hold Give quickly, quit thinking Clothe her leprous digits from the cold What if El Comandante was Jesus Would you curse him to his face? The brute, the thief, the monster Would dare you contemplate? What if every man was Jesus The ones you’re wont to cheat Faithful wives and husbands—Remember The goats at Judgement’s seat Every man is Jesus The least of them indeed The ones that know and know not For us all did He bleed Treat everyone like Jesus The right, the wrong, the in-between A law He came to give Died He the cross this live  
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