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Engaging in Virtual Learning: 7 Tips to Avoid Zoom Fatigue

Virtual Learning

University of Phoenix

  One of the many normalities that COVID-19 has brought is the idea of engaging in learning from anywhere without having to sit physically in a classroom. Virtual learning existed long before the pandemic, however, the pandemic popularized the idea and made many realize it was possible.
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Today, virtual learning has become a major part of education in Nigeria, with students, professionals, and even young kids adapting to online classes. While this is a great and innovative way to learn, it comes with certain downsides, one of which is “Zoom fatigue”. Zoom fatigue is that overwhelming tiredness you feel after hours of online meetings or classes. You might find yourself staring at your screen for hours, feeling exhausted and mentally drained even before the day ends. So how can you make the most of virtual learning without burning out? Here are practical tips to help you stay focused, energised, and engaged.

1. Set Up a Comfortable Learning Environment

Your environment plays a very important role in how you feel during virtual classes. Sitting in a noisy room or using an uncomfortable chair can make the experience unpleasant. Create a study area that’s comfortable, well-lit, and free from distractions. This doesn’t mean you need a fancy setup. A quiet corner in your apartment with a proper chair and table will do. If possible, let natural light into your space, as it helps keep you alert. One thing you’ll find out is that a well-organized space can boost your mood and make learning more enjoyable.

2. Take Breaks Between Sessions

One of the downsides of virtual learning is the high tendency for you to power through back-to-back classes or meetings without taking a break, especially if you have tight schedules. But doing this only increases your fatigue. So, schedule short breaks between sessions to rest your eyes and stretch your body. Stand up, walk around, or do a quick stretch. These breaks help you reset, making you more productive and attentive when you return to your screen. Remember, stepping away for even five minutes can make a big difference.

3. Use the 20-20-20 Rule for Eye Strain

One of the biggest contributors to Zoom fatigue is eye strain. Staring at a screen for hours can make your eyes feel tired and sore. To reduce this, use the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This simple exercise relaxes your eye muscles and reduces the strain caused by constant screen time. It’s an easy habit to build, you can even set a timer if you have to!
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4. Limit On-Screen Multitasking

It’s common to find yourself multitasking by opening new tabs or checking your phone while in a virtual class. But multitasking actually drains more of your energy and focus. It’s like trying to divide your attention between two noisy rooms, you won’t hear clearly in either. Instead, focus on one task at a time. Close unnecessary tabs, put your phone on silent, and give your full attention to the class. You’ll find that you retain more information and feel less mentally exhausted by the end of the day.

5. Stay Engaged and Participate Actively

One other reason why virtual classes feel exhausting is because they can be monotonous. You’re just sitting, staring, and listening, which can become boring fast. You can break this cycle by actively participating in class. Don’t just sit and stare, ask questions, join discussions, and contribute your thoughts. If your class allows, turn on your camera occasionally to create a sense of connection. Engaging with your tutor and classmates helps keep your brain active and less likely to wander off into fatigue.

6. Hydrate

Your focus and energy levels can significantly be improved by the keeping yourself hydrated. Always keep a bottle of water nearby during your virtual classes as this will help keep your body energized and your mind sharp throughout your session.

7. Set Boundaries with Screen Time

Finally, it’s important to establish clear boundaries for your screen time. After a long day of virtual learning, resist the urge to immediately switch to your phone or TV. Instead, take time to relax away from screens. You can go for a walk, read a physical book, or spend time with your friends and family. Doing these help you allow your mind and eyes to rest, reducing the overall impact of screen-related fatigue.
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Concluding Thoughts

Virtual learning is here to stay and is transforming the way we learn in the world today. While it comes with its challenges such as Zoom fatigue, there are ways to make it work for you without feeling drained. Apply these tips and see your virtual learning experience transform into one that’s both productive and enjoyable.
Featured Image Source: University of Phoenix
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