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Easter 2016

From Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday to Easter Sunday, Christian celebrations would next week (Holy Week), get to the zenith of the Lenten period and usher in the Easter. Palm Sunday, March 20 Christians mark the celebration of Christ’s Triumphant Entry, riding on a donkey on streets strewn with palm branches. The donkey symbolizes the humility of Christ. Kings normally ride in chariots and horses, but Christ rides on a donkey. The palms symbolize honor and worship for a king. This commemoration portrays one of the truths of Christianity. Christ makes known to His followers virtues of royalty that are rare in combination- royalty and humility. The Holy Week centres on the Passions of Christ. Customarily, Bible teachings are drawn mostly from the Last Supper, the Prayer in Gethsemane’s Garden, Christ’s trials, sufferings and crucifixion, and His death. The Catholic Church, by tradition, holds a candlelit service that runs through Saturday’s night into Sunday morning’s Easter. Easter Sunday, March 27 The essence of the Christian faith is celebrated this day, that Christ, the Son of God has risen from the dead. Though the traditional pealing of bells from church towers may not cover as much congregation due to the increasing number of protestant denominations, all Christian doctrines accept the truth of the Risen Saviour. The Easter season has two official holidays, Good Friday (March 25) and Easter Monday (March 28).
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