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Core Elements Every E-commerce Website Needs (2)


Continued from Core Elements Every E-commerce Website Needs (1).

Live Chat

Your customers have questions, live chat’s got answers. Live chat is good if you can support it. So if you are a one man shop or you have a few employees, live chat might not be the best option, because if your customers are not getting answers to their questions immediately, it becomes a disadvantage to your business.

Live chat answers the key questions that customers are asking, because you are establishing a conversation.

Some advantages include:


This does not apply to everyone especially those that have single products, but modifications help you to see products in their final form, this can be colour, size, etc.

Do you want it in blue or do you want sequins? Modifications are crucial and you need to make them super easy to understand for your customers. Your customer can like a dress in blue, but they might be wondering how it looks in white. Visual adjustments need to be there to help modify what the customers are seeing. This is crucial to helping set expectations for your customer.

In and Out of Stock

There’s nothing worse than trying to buy something and seeing that it’s out of stock. Making sure your inventory is up to date is an absolute must for any business that has multiple SKUs. It answers the question- can it be delivered?

If people are trying to buy a product from you and they order and are expecting the product to be delivered only to realize, it’s out of stock, they will probably switch to your competitor. Be sure to put it on the product page that the product is out of stock, your customers will like you more for it.


Videos are a huge power player that will definitely enhance your page. They are extremely useful on product pages and can answer all 6 key questions that the customer is asking. People are seeing higher conversions with videos. Even on Facebook Ad, people are seeing better conversions with video ads.

Benefits of videos on product pages include:

Drawbacks include:

Bundle/Upsell and Cross Sell

Give them some more options (if you have them and they make sense). This answers- what is it? What does it look like? And how big or small is it?

It is a great way to increase average order value if you give relevant options.

Tip: For long form pages, do not cross sell on the product page but after the purchase.


Testimonials are a subset of reviews and really more of an element on B2B sites. Testimonials help you to leverage on the authority of your users or database. It answers the question- Can I trust it?

Use real people and pictures. People can see through fake testimonials and it damages your brand eventually. Also include company and title if you are in B2B. Ensure testimonials are specific and drive straight to the point about the product or the process of how your customers got it.

Do you need an effective team to handle your eCommerce digital marketing campaigns? Speak with a digital marketing expert today? Contact Damola Here.

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