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Connect Nigeria’s Top 100 SMEs: CFI Science and Tech Ltd

CFI Science And Tech Ltd

The greater majority of kids all around the world are in for nothing but fun. That necessity demands they study alongside playing as is one thing they continue to view as a burden. However, this is not so for most children who have been exposed to the fun side of learning. Needless to say is the fact that no nation on earth can achieve true greatness without scientific and technological advancement and a good educational orientation and background.

In essence, if ‘Fun Science’ was a buzzword, CFI Science and Tech Ltd would be number one of such bringing forward an innovative template to engage these kids constructively. Particularly, with a science club aptly named STREAM, an acronym for Science, Technology, Rhymes, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, students now have an even better exposure to what the JETS tried achieving with young learners. STREAM was designed to encourage the practical application of knowledge via Do-it-yourself (DIY) and other creative tasks by kids.

Incorporated in 2017 by Davina Nwaneri and Bright Nwogu, and voted one of ConnectNigeria’s Top 100 SMEs in 2018, their training in Human Anatomy and Physics, respective, surely must have influenced this innovative scientific approach being taught to the children and at schools which have subscribed to the STREAM program. Both co-founders having earned experience elsewhere prior to this, they are confident that CFI Science and Tech is the next phase in modern learning which our nation is in dire need of.

With attractive after-school programs ranging from summer camps, Christmas parties, exhibitions, corporate events, science fairs and workshops, among others, CFI Science and Tech surely has the capability to make learning the sciences even more appealing to these kids.

Designed to get children excited about science and help them to become more creative, imaginative and curious, these programs by CFI also helps children develop a love and fondness for science, experimentation and practicality in or out of the science-related careers they choose as they grow.

This is why CFI Science And Tech Ltd, a Nigerian-based educational consultancy company, has made it its mission to help the nation create as many future creators and inventors as possible. This can only be achieved more easily by making available the tools and initiatives for every child who has the potential to excel through exciting, hands-on science and technology experiences. This unique brand of exciting, interactive activities helps to instil a clearer understanding of how science affects the world around these children and at the same time inspire a sense of good curiosity in them.

Rather than make this initiative a  stationary school on its own, the founders have thought it wise to harness already existing schools and their numerous students in showcasing a new zenith of learning by providing exciting hands-on science and technology enrichment programs for primary and junior secondary school children. ‘Catch them young’ is real after all; the primary and junior secondary stages of schooling are usually the best and basic foundation which any serious education-centred initiative surely knows.

CFI has since gained major momentum in Port Harcourt where schools have adopted their programmes. While plans to begin with this innovative form of learning in other cities like Warri and Uyo by 2019, the founders maintained that Lagos will not be left out in the schemes of things as a more holistic plan is being drawn up for the Lagos mega-city; and in totality therefore creating the next set of champions to come out of our educational system.

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