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BusinessDay and Union Bank Host SME Market Access Event

Nigerian newspaper, BusinessDay, in partnership with the Union Bank of Nigeria Plc and others, held the 2015 SME Market Access Conference on the 20th of May. The event served as an open forum for speakers and attendees to rub minds on how to promote SMEs in Nigeria. Guest speakers and panelists in attendance were an array of business CEOs and leaders including Emeka Okafor of, Ishmael Balogun of Goldmine Global, Ladipo-Ajai of Computer Warehouse Group and Theo John-Phillips of Goldfire Nigeria. All attention was centered on effective market accessing strategies and the multiple obstacles faced by startup and SME entrepreneurs in the country, particularly limited access to financial support and loans. Mr. John-Phillips was quick to identify the downfall of the Nigerian education system as a causative factor for stunted SME growth. “With unskilled youth and a huge uneducated population, how do our businesses survive?” he asked. According to Mr. Okafor, it’s important that SME owners use technology as a tool for enhanced customer engagement, his highlight statement being, “Make technology your friend.”  He also emphasized the importance of an outstanding business name, business brand and social media strategy. BusinessDay Newspaper has supported the growth of SMEs since 2008, considering them to be the engine of desired sustainable growth and the solution to economic issues such as unemployment. Stay tuned for video excerpts from the incredibly insightful event on CNTV.    
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