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Book Review: God’fessions by Goke Coker

God’fessions Author House, 2012 ISBN 978-1-4772-9125-2   Do you know what God’s Word says about you? Are you familiar with His promises in the Bible? Thanks to the widespread message of positive confessions, you may already be aware of the power of words, and cognisant of the fact that what you say goes a long way to determine what happens to you. But have you ever taken time to fully realise the power of the spoken word of God in your mouth? Anyone who is truly interested in building up their faith in God through Jesus Christ recognises that knowledge of the Word of God is the only way to do this. However, if you’re not sure where in the Bible to look when you need to address, and gain victory, over various issues, this book is the perfect resource for you. God’fessions by Goke Coker is a compilation of inspired confessions of God’s promises. With 90 powerful chapters, this book deals with just about every challenge a person can possibly face in life.  It contains confessions and affirmations that will help you cultivate an awareness of your spiritual blessings, and strengthen your faith in God. The chapter are short – none of them more than one page – and each contains affirmations like this: “Today I declare over my life and my household that God’s grace finds me and is sufficient for me. By the power of the Spirit of the Living God, I see good in this and every season. The yoke of sin is broken over my life; I stand complete in the power of the Lord my God! I invoke the mercy of the Lord on my behalf, and I insist that it is well with me and I am propelled into the very best that God has in store for me.” The best part of this book for me is that it doesn’t just give affirmations; it provides, at the end of each chapter, a “Suggested Scriptures” section, which tells you which verses of the Bible the confessions are based on. Then the author goes further to add another segment, “Selected Affirmations”, which are easy-to-remember “capsules” taken from the main chapter. Just repeating these throughout the day will boost your faith greatly, and produce the promised results. This is not a book that you “finish”; you will turn to it again, and again, and again, until every line of it has become a part of you. And once you start, you will keep at it, because God’s word works wonders! God said, “Let there be light”, and there was light. In the same way, victory lies in your own mouth. The believer who learns to speak words that line up with God’s Word is the believer who wins, and this book is the perfect tool to help you become just that. Buy one and give one to a friend; it is a gift that keeps on giving, and you will have touched a life in an amazing, life-changing way.
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