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Benefits of Compliments

While some people praise their spouses in public, others hurl insults at theirs. Meanwhile, quite a number are not comfortable with theirs. Here is a little secret I discovered from observing many married couples, even the younger ones that work wonders in relationships, it’s christened ‘compliments’. Compliments are the secret spices of social life. They create positive energy and draw people to each other. Imagine what happens when you compliment a person you encounter for the first time. A simple “I LOVE YOUR HAIRDO” can break unimaginable barriers. Lying is definitely not an option but finding something uniquely nice about your spouse and reminding him/her daily sweetens the romance. Compliments are gifts of love that shows our spouses that we are aware of them and pay special attention to them. Attention to details magically lessens tensions and make the other person feel you care enough to notice praise-worthy details. Compliments are not demanded hence they are beautiful when sprinkled in little dosages.  A lot of people respond with “I am too busy for this”, but compliments take minutes of nothingness to apply. You do not need a catalogue or a note pad to jot down those beautiful things you notice about your special one. For many people, their first reaction to other people complimenting their spouse is to laugh or scorn. However, when taken seriously, imagining a potential competition delivering a compliment to their romantic partner can be a source of threat.  Repeated showering of compliments on their spouse creates jealousy and envy, which may lead to a decline in the display of affection.This can, however, be avoided if the individual has applied the rules of compliments. This deplorable situation can easily be avoided if the individual applies the rules of compliments.
People may forget what you say, They forget what you do, But they don’t forget How you make them feel.
Hence, compliments remind your spouse the definition of your love.
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