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Attitude is the Only Thing

One of my mentees asked me recently in a sales seminar if a salesman can excel in his career if he sells a good product but with a bad attitude. I smiled and replied her with this line, “Attitude is the Only Thing!” Yes, Attitude is not just everything. Attitude is the ONLY THING! Deficiency in attitude is an insufficiency in everything! You need great attitude to succeed in any life endeavour. You need acceptable attitude to excel in business and personal life.

Life is a journey and a very long one indeed. You will lose the battle in this long journey once something is wrong with attitude. Negative thinking leads to negative results. Positive thinking leads to positive results. This is a simple success formula.  Successful folks think success all the time. They are positive minded and see only victory before embarking on any battle. Average minds get defeated at home even before commencing the battle! This is the two sides of a coin. Folks see things differently.

The Law of Attraction talks about attracting the things you desire by developing a mindset that agrees with those things. This means that you must develop thought processes that are in agreement with the world you want to create. Thus… if you want to buy an airplane, always visit the airport and imagine yourself owning one. It also means that you will think about the airplane and how you will acquire one. If you want to build a castle, stop thinking about mud houses! Instead, think about owning some of those castles in New York! If you want to be successful, think, act and work like successful people! ”If you want to be a millionaire, think like a millionaire,” Bassey and Company’s Television Series said this over 25 years ago!

You lose nothing when you engage your thought processes with great dreams. My counsel always is: think big and act big also. When you imagine greatness, you should work hard to attain prominence. Attaining success is a function of your thinking and doing abilities. Don’t just sit in the comfort of your home and be wishing the things you want to happen. Wishful thinking doesn’t make champions. Champions take action immediately! I have maintained this in several forums. Action is what makes the difference. You must wish it and work it out. Success does not come by imagination. No one receives success on a platter. Success is earned! The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

Attitude is the only thing. This thought cannot be overemphasized. You need great attitude to commence a venture. Without a positive attitude, you attain nothing! It is your duty to ensure the right attitude always.

The Bible commands that we guide our hearts with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. Watch what you allow into your mind because it gives back same thing afterward. The mind works like a computer. What you give the mind is what it processes and gives back to you. Decide today to think positively all the time no matter the situation. Let me end with my favourite of Ziglar’s thought on attitude, ”Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude.” Let’s get to the top together!

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