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Ashamu, Omamuli Emerge as Winners of Mo Ibrahim Leadership Fellowship

Two Nigerian economists and an Ivorian emerge as winners of the Mo Ibrahim Leadership fellowship which will take place at the executive offices of Pan-African Economic Institutions for a year long period. Charlotte Ashamu, a Nigerian, a former Senior Associate of African-focused financial and investment group, Whitaker and an advisory officer at the International Finance Corporation (IFC) will work for a year at the African Development Bank (AfDB). Also, Weyinmi Omamuli, the second Nigerian to win, will serve in the office of International Trade Centre (ITC). She is an economist focused on emerging markets and was previously the Vice President/Senior Analyst at Moody’s Investor Service. Omamuli managed the firm’s portfolio of African countries, including Nigeria, Zambia and Kenya. The Ivorian, Carl Manlam, an health-inclined facilitator, a key figure in negotiating the advancement of public health financing and development in political and economic institutions which includes West African countries like Benin, Senegal and Guinea Bissau, and for the Abidjan Lagos Corridor Organization will now serve at the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). The Mo Ibrahim Foundation fellowship programme is designed to identify and provide support for potential African leaders and was launched in 2010 as a philanthropic project by the African billonaire, Mo Ibrahim.  
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