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Ariyike, the Photography Wonder Child

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In the past, photographers were perceived as jobless folk, roaming the town for ‘wash and take’ pictures. Today, these creative geniuses inspire us every day with amazing shots that hold beautiful memories.

An 8-year-old Nigerian, Ariyike Muyinoluwa Oluwaseun, is pushing the boundaries of creativity in photography, and her works are nothing short of extraordinary.

Ariyike is the creative director of Ariyike Photografy, a brand mainly focused on portrait and event photography.

She partners with her mentor, who is also her father and the Creative Director of Mo Photography, in the editing, packaging, and distribution of her pictures.

This 8-year-old’s prowess behind the lens has won her a number of awards including the Arts and Creative Personality of the Year 2018, at the Nigerian Child Summit Awards; and the Amazing Amazon Initiative Greatness Award, in 2017.

Ariyike’s dream is to one day build a world-class photography studio and a training centre, where children like herself and adults alike can learn photography for free.

How it All Started

Ariyike’s parents discovered her love for the lens at age two when she was given a toy camera. That love soon evolved into an indelible passion for photography, when her grandmother, a veteran photographer herself; gave Ariyike her first real camera at age three.

Thanks to her family, she underwent several sessions of training in photography before she began putting her works out there. It was only a matter of time before this amazing kid got her first job. And although she was booked as a novelty act, Ariyike’s beautiful shots left her clients in awe. Soon enough word spread of the youngster’s ability.

She combines school with photography and wishes for a career as a professional photographer.

When I grow up, I don’t want to be an engineer or doctor, I just want to be a photographer. I won’t let anyone stop me from what am doing.Ariyike Oluwaseun

Ariyike is eager to make her mark in Nigeria’s photography scene, alongside Nigerian greats like TY Bello, Adeola Olagunju, Aisha Augie-Kuta, and Obi Somto.

Featured image source: Ariyike Photografy via

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