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Apply for the Seedstars World 2016 Competition

There is no problem without a solution. The intrinsic characteristic that defines a problem is the availability of a solution for it. In essence, the need for a solution is the evidence of a problem. That is why in today’s world of technology where startup ideas are rife, the capital to finance is a problem that is quickly phasing out. Techpreneurs can pride themselves with keeping alive their ideas even in the raging storm of seemingly no capitals because some companies believe that ideas can bring the capital for business.

Seedstars World is one of such organizations that believe in ideas. It is a Switzerland-based startup competition that takes place in emerging markets with a vision is to reduce unemployment in emerging markets through the promotion and investment in entrepreneurship.

For its fourth edition, Seedstars World will be on the ground in over 50 Countries to host boot camps and pitch competition. The best startups in each country will have the opportunity to compete at the Seedstars summit in Switzerland with the possibility of walking away with up to $1million in equity investments and additional prizes.

As a rule, startups that want to apply must be less than two years old, have a Minimum Viable product (MVP), and have less than $500K raised so far. Selected startups must be prepared to speak about their startup in public in 6 minutes for presentation and 4 minutes for questions and answers.

Seedstars World would be coming to Lagos, Nigeria on the 26th of August 2016 and deadline for submission of application is 26th July 2016. The 10 best startups will be invited to pitch in front of an investment panel and compete to be crowned the most promising seed-stage startup of Seedstars Lagos 2016. The winner then joins the global Seedstars Family at the regional and global Seedstars Summits and stands a chance to compete for over 1 million USD in investment.

The global winner for the 2015 edition was the South African recruitment agency, Giraffe.

Applications are already ongoing at Click to apply or register to attend for free.

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