Read more about Opportunities
Female-led/owned food processors are encouraged to apply for the program, which is a “multi-year gender-responsive project that aims to enhance the capacity, increase the revenue, and business viability of female-led food processors to enable them to reduce gender barriers to economic opportunities and increase their ability to supply safe, affordable, and nutritious minimally processed foods to low-income consumers (LICs).”
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To be considered eligible for the ANTFem program:
- The applying business must be female-led or owned, processing dried okra, dried/smoked fish, dried tomatoes, yoghurt, or fura de nunu.
- The business must be located in Lagos, Anambra, Kaduna, Ogun, or Oyo state.
- Annual revenue between ₦5M and ₦200M.
- The business must demonstrate an interest in business growth, market expansion, and delivering safe, nutritious, and affordable food to low-income consumers.
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