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An Interview with Emeka Ebeniro on the Future of AI

Emeka Ebeniro

This is an insightful interview conducted by Connect Nigeria with Emeka Ebeniro, a seasoned growth marketer and project manager with over 15 years of experience in integrated marketing technology and product development. As a systems engineer by training, Emeka has honed his expertise across diverse industries such as tech, legal, marketing, and entertainment. In this conversation, Emeka delves into AI’s transformative power, technology’s role in driving societal change, and the future of innovation across industries.
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Can you tell us about yourself?

My name is Emeka Ebeniro, and I’m a growth marketer and project manager passionate about driving organisational growth through innovation and effective execution. With a background in systems engineering, I’ve accumulated over 15 years of experience in integrated marketing technology and product development. My career has spanned various verticals, including marketing, tech, legal, and entertainment. My expertise lies in leveraging technology to create impactful solutions and strategies. Beyond my professional work, I’m deeply involved in the tech and startup ecosystem. I convene Africa’s #1 Global Summit on Personal Branding and contribute to several initiatives in the United Kingdom, including CREED Aberdeen, Scottish Tech Army, Knowvate Hub, and Startup Grind Scotland. Additionally, I’m a co-founder of Econome, an AI-powered software payment management system.

Why Tech, A.I., what motivates you?

My journey into tech and AI began during my time as a strategy lead in a marketing agency. I witnessed firsthand the transformative impact technology had on bringing our campaigns to life. By integrating tech solutions, we gained access to data that revealed the profound effects our marketing campaigns had on consumer behaviour. This experience led me down a fascinating path where I began to see the immense potential of automation and AI in various fields, including product development, digital media, and education. What motivates me is the endless possibilities these technologies offer in solving complex problems and creating innovative solutions that can improve lives and businesses across the globe.

What do you think are the most significant technological advancements in recent years?

I would say the democratisation of AI tops the list. Making AI available to the public has changed the way we work. This is helping even the playing ground. This makes creativity, innovation and solutions available for all. Someone in a remote part of Nigeria or Africa can access Generative AI and create a solution that can be used in Paris, London, Toronto, or Chicago. Not to mention advancement in robotics. Now we have robot pets, self-driving cars, robotic chefs, servers,  and also the advancements companies like Nvidia are making. It is truly mind-blowing.

How do you stay updated with the latest tech trends and developments?

Staying current with the rapidly evolving tech landscape is crucial in our field. I rely on a combination of resources to keep myself informed. This includes subscribing to reputable tech newsletters, attending both virtual and in-person conferences, and following key thought leaders on social media platforms. I also engage in continuous learning through online courses and webinars. Additionally, I find great value in networking with fellow professionals in the industry, as these conversations often provide insights into emerging trends and developments that might not yet be widely publicised.

What are your thoughts on the impact of technology on society?

The impact of technology on society is indeed remarkable, transforming nearly every aspect of our lives. Globally, communities are rapidly embracing technological advancements, leading to significant changes in how we live, work, and interact. This transformation is particularly evident in key areas such as education and environmental conservation. In education, technology has revolutionised learning experiences. AI-enabled devices and touch screens in classrooms make learning more engaging and effective, providing interactive and personalised educational journeys. Online courses and educational platforms have democratised access to quality education, breaking down geographical barriers and enabling lifelong learning. Individuals can now acquire new skills and knowledge at their own pace, empowered by a wealth of online resources and educational apps. Environmental conservation has also seen significant benefits from technological advancements. Smart agriculture, renewable energy solutions, and efficient resource management systems are promoting more sustainable practices. AI and IoT devices play a crucial role in monitoring environmental changes and predicting natural disasters, aiding in conservation efforts and improving our ability to respond to climate challenges. However, the impact of technology on society is multifaceted, bringing both opportunities and challenges. To fully harness the power of technology for improving our lives and creating a more equitable and sustainable future, we must embrace these advancements responsibly. This involves addressing associated risks and balancing innovation with ethical considerations. The key lies in ensuring that technology serves the greater good and benefits all members of society. As we continue to integrate technology into various aspects of our lives, it’s crucial to maintain a focus on human-centric development. By doing so, we can leverage technological progress to enhance the quality of life, promote equality, and drive positive societal change while mitigating potential negative impacts. Technology’s influence on society is profound and far-reaching. By approaching technological adoption thoughtfully and ethically, we can shape a future where innovation enhances human potential and contributes to solving global challenges.

What are the most exciting applications of AI in various industries?

AI has immense potential to drive innovation across various industries, with some of the most exciting applications emerging in recent years. In the food and beverage sector, we’re witnessing the integration of AI to achieve more effective and efficient supply chains, optimising everything from production to distribution. Machine learning is also making significant strides in product development across diverse fields such as sports, media, and energy. The healthcare industry is being revolutionised by AI, particularly in early disease detection and diagnosis through AI-powered image analysis. This technology is enhancing the accuracy and speed of medical diagnostics, potentially saving countless lives. In education, AI enables personalised learning experiences tailored to individual student needs, adapting content and pace to maximise learning outcomes. This personalization has the potential to transform how we approach education at all levels. Social services are benefiting from AI’s ability to improve the identification of at-risk individuals, allowing for more targeted and timely support. This application could significantly enhance the effectiveness of social welfare programs. Urban planning and the development of smart cities are other areas where AI is making exciting contributions. Traffic optimization systems powered by AI are helping to reduce congestion and emissions, making our cities more livable and sustainable. These applications demonstrate how AI when harnessed responsibly and aligned with human values and societal needs, can create a future where technology truly serves the greater good. By leveraging AI’s capabilities, we can address complex societal challenges more effectively and efficiently, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for people around the world. The potential for AI to drive social good is vast, and we’re only beginning to scratch the surface of its possibilities across various sectors.

What are some techniques for mitigating bias in AI decision-making?

Mitigating bias in AI decision-making is essential for achieving fair and ethical outcomes. One key approach is to use diverse and representative training data, ensuring that the AI models are trained with a wide range of demographics and scenarios. Regular audits are also important, as they help identify and address potential biases in AI systems. Explainable AI is another crucial technique, as it allows models to provide clear explanations for their decisions, making it easier to spot and correct biases. Using bias detection algorithms can further help by identifying various types of bias in datasets and model outputs. Involving cross-functional teams in AI development is beneficial as well, as diverse perspectives can help identify and mitigate biases. Continuous monitoring of AI performance across different user groups is essential to detect any emerging biases over time. Lastly, establishing clear ethical guidelines for AI development and deployment within organisations can provide a solid foundation for reducing bias and promoting fairness.
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How do you envision AI changing the job market in the next decade?

This is a good question. AI is poised to have a profound impact on the job market in the coming decade. With AI tools becoming more accessible, the job market will become even more competitive, significantly raising the criteria for landing roles. AI will revolutionise candidate selection, using advanced criteria and user personas to filter through CVs more efficiently and effectively. While AI will automate many routine and repetitive tasks, potentially displacing certain jobs, it will also create new roles that we can’t yet fully envision. Positions in AI development, data analysis, and AI ethics will likely see high demand as companies seek to harness AI’s capabilities responsibly. The criteria for landing a job will shift dramatically. Candidates will need to demonstrate not only technical skills but also the ability to collaborate with AI systems. Skills like critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence will become increasingly valuable, as these are areas where humans excel compared to machines. This transformation will require adaptability from both job seekers and employers. We’ll see new organisational structures emerge as companies integrate AI into their operations. The evolving landscape of work in the AI era will present both challenges and opportunities, requiring us to continuously update our skills and perspectives to remain competitive in this new job market.

What are the potential risks and challenges associated with AI development looking at African ideology?

AI development in Africa presents several unique challenges and risks, particularly given the expectation of more advanced and realistic human-like AI, including voice and facial cloning. This presents both concerns and opportunities for cybersecurity professionals to safeguard against cyber attacks and crime. One major challenge is the lack of comprehensive data protection laws in many African countries, which can lead to privacy violations and the misuse of personal information. Even in regions where data protection laws do exist, enforcement capabilities are often limited, reducing the effectiveness of these regulations. Another significant issue is data bias and representation. The scarcity of representative African data can result in biased AI outcomes that do not accurately reflect the realities or needs of African populations. This can perpetuate inequalities and lead to solutions that are not suitable for the local context. Addressing these challenges requires developing robust data protection frameworks, enhancing enforcement capabilities, and ensuring that AI systems are trained on diverse and representative data. Additionally, fostering local expertise and involving African stakeholders in AI development can help create more relevant and equitable AI solutions for the continent.

How do you think we should address concerns around AI ethics and accountability?

First, developing comprehensive regulatory frameworks is essential to guide the ethical development and use of AI. Transparency is also crucial, encouraging companies to be open about their AI systems, including their limitations and potential biases. Establishing independent ethical review boards can help assess AI projects and their potential impacts. Promoting public understanding of AI, its capabilities, and its limitations is important for education and awareness. Clear accountability mechanisms need to be in place to define responsibility for AI decisions and outcomes. Encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration among technologists, ethicists, policymakers, and other stakeholders will help address ethical challenges holistically. Integrating ethical considerations into the AI development process from the outset, rather than as an afterthought, is key to ethical AI design. Lastly, continuously assessing AI systems for unintended consequences and ethical issues throughout their lifecycle ensures ongoing ethical integrity and accountability.

Can you explain the difference between machine learning and deep learning?

Machine learning and deep learning are both subfields of artificial intelligence, but they differ in complexity and approach. Machine learning uses algorithms to parse data, learn from it, and make informed decisions based on what it has learned. It typically requires more human intervention in feature extraction and can work well with smaller datasets. Deep learning, on the other hand, is a more advanced subset of machine learning inspired by the structure and function of the brain. It uses artificial neural networks with multiple layers (hence “deep”) to progressively extract higher-level features from raw input. Deep learning can automatically discover the representations needed for feature detection or classification and often performs better with large amounts of unstructured data.

How should we approach AI to align with our values and goals?

To align AI with our values and goals, we need a thoughtful and proactive approach. First, we should clearly define the values and goals we want our AI systems to support. This means integrating these principles into the design and development process right from the start. It’s also crucial to involve diverse stakeholders to ensure a wide range of perspectives are considered. Creating ethical frameworks specifically for AI and regularly assessing these systems will help keep them aligned with our values as they evolve. Transparency is key; we should openly discuss the values driving AI development and invite public feedback. Additionally, investing in AI literacy programs can help people understand and critically evaluate AI. AI systems should be designed to be adjustable, allowing them to evolve with societal values. Finally, it’s essential to maintain human control, especially in high-stakes decisions, to ensure AI serves our best interests. By taking these steps, we can ensure AI development aligns with our values and goals, promoting positive outcomes for society.

What are your thoughts on the potential for AI to surpass human intelligence?

I don’t think AI will surpass human intelligence because human intelligence is not limited to large data sets or the ability to process data in seconds. Human intelligence goes deeper into emotional intelligence, creativity, adaptability and many more. Human intelligence will always see differently and be very unpredictable which is an advantage. Humans excel at understanding context and applying knowledge across diverse situations, a capability that current AI systems struggle with. The nature of consciousness and its role in intelligence is still not fully understood, making it difficult to replicate in AI. Human decision-making often relies on intuition and can be unpredictable, which can be an advantage in complex, real-world scenarios. Humans can make nuanced ethical judgments, a capability that is extremely challenging to program into AI systems.

How do you envision AI being used for social good in the future?

AI has enormous potential for social good, and its alignment with development plans will be crucial. It can streamline processes and generate innovative ideas for the third sector and social initiatives. The future of any society lies in its people, and AI-powered adaptive learning systems can provide personalised education, helping to address educational inequalities. Additionally, AI can optimise resource use, predict climate changes, and assist in developing sustainable practices. During crises, AI can improve early warning systems and optimise resource allocation. It can identify areas of need, optimise aid distribution, and provide insights for effective poverty reduction strategies. AI can also enhance assistive technologies for people with disabilities, improving their quality of life. Moreover, AI can streamline bureaucratic processes, improve public service delivery, and enhance transparency. By aligning AI with development plans, we can significantly impact social good in the future.
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As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, Emeka Ebeniro remains at the forefront, advocating for responsible AI development and its potential to shape the future for good. His insights on mitigating bias, advancing technological solutions, and aligning AI with societal goals provide a compelling vision for how we can harness innovation to create a positive, lasting impact. Emeka’s dedication to using tech for the greater good highlights the critical role that industry leaders play in driving change and empowering the next generation of problem solvers and innovators.
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