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 7 Things To Do During Christmas In Nigeria

Christmas in Nigeria is a family celebration and holidays during the Harmattan season. Meaning the weather is just right for many activities. The upside is, you get the day off to spend with your family and the downside is many establishments would be closed during this period. So what can you do with your free time besides staying at home, eating good food and watching TV? We recommend:
  1. Hang Out With Friends
Gone are the days when neighbours cook for each other and relatives drop by to visit. These days we spend our days alone, indoors. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can plan a hangout with your circle of friends. It can be a love feast where everyone brings food to share and enjoy each other’s company. You can do it in a friend’s place or choose a neutral location to chill like the poolside of a hotel. Or you can eat out together and meet up at a restaurant or karaoke bar. Besides, how will you show off your Christmas outfit if you’re home alone?
  1. Go to the Cinema
Yes, you can download a movie and watch it at home. But there is something about being in a cinema that makes the experience much more fun. First, they decorate the place to embody the festiveness of the season. Second, cinemas often come with other perks like gaming centres, shopping malls, food courts, etc. So while watching a family-friendly movie or blockbuster, might be the reason you go there, you may end up spending more time there walking around and doing other fun stuff like taking a selfie for ‘the gram’.
  1. Visit a Resort or Park
Lagosians are blessed with numerous beach resorts both public and private. So going there is always on the radar. To avoid the crowds and enjoy the view, book a night at a beach resort. If you don’t have a beach resort in your state, try visiting the resorts you have e.g. Oguta Lake resort in Owerri, Imo state, Marina Resort in Calabar, Cross River State or Rojenny Tourist Village in Oba, Anambra state. If you have a National park like Okomu National park or a wildlife park like the Jos Wildlife Park in your state, this is also a good time to go visit with the family. Or visit an amusement park like Kofar Gamji Amusement Park in Kaduna State or HI Impact Planet Amusement Park in Ogun state. The experience will beat being at home and burning fuel on your generator.
  1. Attend a Program
Some churches have Christmas Day Services, others organise dramas and carol concerts during the season. Attending such programs is a great way to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. There are other organisations that organise Dinners, Concerts and Theatrical plays like the ones at Muson Centre. The entertainment goes a long way into making the season enjoyable so try to attend as many as you can. It will be worth your while.
  1. Travel Out Of Town
The Igbos are known for travelling ‘home’ every Christmas season, just like other tribes. But have you ever wondered why? That’s because there are a lot of carnivals and festivals to attend in the village e.g. Abiriba village in Ohafia LGA, Abia State is known for its ‘groove.’ If travelling to your village isn’t your thing, you can consider travelling to Cross River to attend the biggest street party in Africa, the Calabar Carnival and Cultural Fiesta. Besides travelling to attend a Concert like Lekki Sunsplash or a Cultural Carnival like Omu Oganiru festival and Parades in Enugu, you can travel to a new town just to experience the sights and sounds of the city this December.
  1. Try Something New
You could go Kayaking, Quad-Biking, Zip-lining, Bungee Jumping, Hiking Up Olumo Rock, Go-Kart Racing, Paintball or whatever suits your fancy. You could even go to an arcade centre to play like Rufus and Bee in Lagos. You could even drive around town to see the Christmas street lights at night. Or you can take the kids out to an open Christmas Party to dance with random strangers’ kids and see Father Christmas (AKA Santa). If you are home all day, play board games, belt out Christmas tunes with the volume cranked up. Trying something new every Christmas season will enrich your experience and keep anticipation high every year.
  1. Do Something Noble
Jesus said, ‘the Poor you will always have with you…’ so how about doing something noble this Christmas. Make the life of someone less privileged than you better. You could donate books, toys, clothes, or foods to any orphanage or IDP camp in the country. You could visit the disabled and show them some love. Or even share meals with street beggars. Christmas is all about giving, so why not make it a port of call to give something away this Season. There you have it, the recipe to a non-boring Christmas. Let us know which of these you will try out this season in the comment section.   Featured Image Source: The Spruce
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