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7 Places to Find Investors in Nigeria for Tech Startups


Vazi Legal

  Securing funding for a tech startup in Nigeria can be a daunting task, but with the right approach and resources, it’s possible to find investors who believe in your vision and are willing to back your venture. Here are seven places to find investors in Nigeria for your tech startup:
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  1. Angel Networks and Groups

Angel investors are high-net-worth individuals who invest their own money in startups in exchange for equity. In Nigeria, there are several angel networks and groups that connect startups with potential investors. These networks, such as Lagos Angel Network (LAN), African Business Angel Network (ABAN), and Sahara Angels Network, host pitch events and investment forums where entrepreneurs can pitch their tech startups to a group of angel investors. These events provide an excellent opportunity to showcase your business and attract potential investors.
  1. Venture Capital Firms

Venture capital firms are investment companies that pool money from various sources, such as pension funds and wealthy individuals, to invest in startups and small businesses. In Nigeria, there are several venture capital firms that focus on investing in tech startups. Some well-known venture capital firms in Nigeria include GreenTec Capital Africa Foundation, Microtraction, and Ingressive Capital. Research these firms to find out their investment criteria and approach them with a well-prepared pitch.
  1. Startup Incubators and Accelerators

Startup incubators and accelerators are programs that provide mentorship, resources, and funding to early-stage startups in exchange for equity. These programs can be a great way to not only secure funding but also to gain valuable guidance and support for your tech startup. Some popular startup incubators and accelerators in Nigeria include the Co-Creation Hub (CcHub), LeadPath Nigeria, and Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme. Participating in these programs can significantly increase your chances of attracting investors.
  1. Government Grants and Initiatives

The Nigerian government and various agencies offer grants and funding initiatives to support startups and entrepreneurship in the country. For example, the Bank of Industry (BOI) provides funding to startups through various programs, including the Youth Entrepreneurship Support (YES) and the Graduate Entrepreneurship Fund (GEF). Additionally, the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) and the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) offer grants and support to tech startups in the IT and telecommunications sectors.
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  1. Tech Conferences and Events

Tech conferences, summits, and events in Nigeria are excellent networking opportunities to meet potential investors. These events often attract venture capitalists, angel investors, and industry experts looking to discover promising startups. Consider attending events like Techpoint Build, Lagos Tech Festival, or the Nigeria Innovation Summit. Engage with investors during networking sessions and be prepared to share your startup’s elevator pitch.
  1. Online Investment Platforms

Several online investment platforms have emerged in Nigeria, connecting startups with potential investors. These platforms provide a digital marketplace where entrepreneurs can showcase their tech startups and attract funding. Some popular online investment platforms in Nigeria include SMEArena, StartCredits, and Venture Garden Group’s GreenHouse Capital. Listing your tech startup on these platforms can broaden your reach to potential investors beyond traditional networking channels.
  1. Industry-specific Meetups and Forums

Industry-specific meetups and forums such as the Connect Nigeria Business Mixer and Connect Nigeria Club Connect offer a focused setting to meet investors interested in particular sectors or technologies. For example, if your tech startup operates in the fintech space, attending fintech-focused meetups like the FintechNGR Meetup or Paystack’s Fintech Roundtable can put you in touch with investors familiar with the industry. Engaging with like-minded professionals and investors in these forums can help you build meaningful connections and attract potential investment. You can engage with like-minded professionals when you join the Connect Nigeria Club Connect.
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Final Thoughts

In conclusion, finding investors for your tech startup in Nigeria requires a proactive approach and an understanding of the available resources. Leveraging angel networks, venture capital firms, startup incubators, and government initiatives can open doors to potential investors. Additionally, participating in tech conferences, using online investment platforms, and attending industry-specific meetups will expand your network and increase your chances of finding the right investors to back your tech startup’s journey to success. Remember to have a well-prepared pitch and a compelling business plan to make a lasting impression on potential investors. Featured Image Source: Vazi Legal
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