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6 Ways to Make Money from Blogging in Nigeria

Make Money from Blogging

Saga Poll

  You have probably heard that it’s becoming more difficult to make money from blogging. Pessimists say the prime reason for this is the oversupply of blogs. Sites in this category number in the millions, but most of them barely get read.
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But what if I told you that you can still make it big with blogging, even several years after the hype around it began waning? There are so many more strategies for scooping up the big bucks from this hustle than just Google Adsense advertisements. Walk with me, as I reveal 6 smart ways to generate steady income from your Nigerian blog.

How to Make Money from Blogging: 6 Powerful Tips

Here are 6 paths to make money from blogging. For maximum returns, we suggest that you try out more than one of them at a time.


Despite what we said about Google Adsense at the start of this article, advertising remains one of the best options for earning from your blog. But there are more ways to advertise on a blog than Adsense. For example, you could have a business or some other organization advertise directly on your blog. They may do so with banner ads displayed on easy-to-notice parts of your site. Businesses that advertise with you this way will pay you for having their ads on your blog for a given length of time.

Sponsored Posts

Businesses may want to reach out to your audience in more subtle ways than obvious adverts. One approach that fits this bill is sponsored posts. In this case, they—or you –would write an article that addresses a topic in line with your blog’s themes. But then the article would promote their products and services at some point. The organization that has this article published on your blog on their behalf will pay you for it. Sponsored posts have become popular in recent times as an alternative to traditional advertising. This is because people are turned off by the overtness of the latter.

Consulting Gigs

Here’s another interesting way to make money from blogging. If your blog has established you as an authority in a specific niche, you could earn off that by having individuals and businesses book paid consulting sessions. For example, if you’re a knowledgeable real estate blogger, people may be interested in seeking your advice concerning potential real estate investments. You can charge them for research, plug them into deals, and offer other relevant knowledge.
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The web has become a great place to gain knowledge and learn new skills. You can add to the sea of educational resources that are already available on it by organizing your courses, based on your blog’s niche. If you’re a food blogger, you could build on the budding success of your blog to offer courses in cooking and catering. And if your blog covers personal finance issues, it might be a good idea to create a paid course for persons who want to improve their finances.

Affiliate Marketing

You can earn money as an affiliate marketer with your blog if you’re signed up with one or more affiliate programs. As an affiliate marketer, you’ll earn by promoting a business’s products or services on your site. Here’s how it works: Just make sure the products you promote align with the theme of your blog, and that they are reliable. Your blog’s reputation may come to hang on these pillars.

Freelance Service

It’s also possible to make money from blogging by using it as a magnet for freelance gigs. For instance, if you’re an exceptional writer (and your blog shows this), you could attract people who want writers to work on their projects. Your blog can serve as a portfolio, a solid proof that you’re skilled and knowledgeable in certain areas. Then you may go on to land paid assignments within those disciplines.
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Final Words

Blogging in Nigeria is hypercompetitive; there are millions of bloggers trying to get the attention of the world’s content consumers. The good news is that, despite this reality, several ways to make money from blogging remain. Follow the tips we’ve discussed here to begin generating a healthy income from your blog.
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