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6 Things That May be Standing in The Way of Your Happiness

    What is happiness? There are different definitions of what happiness is and it means something different to each individual. To some it could be peace of mind and more money in the bank, whilst it may be having kids and getting married to others. Happiness is subjective but one thing that is mutual is that we all want to be happy and are willing to constantly chase happiness down in order to attain it. In our quest for happiness, we may be carrying baggage which is weighing us down such as: Friends: Who are your friends and what influence do they have on you? Negative friends are like ship anchors that permanently weigh an individual down. Negative friends can be identified in the manner they speak, their lack of support, and their ability to make you feel bad. Some individuals seek validation and approval from such friends but until that friend gets out of your life, you are weighed down in one spot. Friends should inspire, be truthful and be optimistic. Clutter: What are your environments such as your bedroom, living room and store like?  All of these places may very well be a reflection of how cluttered your brain is. What items are you holding on to? What memories are permanently locked in your brain? Get rid of the clutter, let air in and breathe again. Social media: Social media is an energy draining and time consuming habit that we tend to indulge in for so long that it affects our productivity and sucks us in when too much importance is attached to it. On social media we keep tabs on our friends, enemies, frenemies and family. Depending on the individual, sometimes it brings out feelings of inadequacy, doubt and gloom. The future: Why worry about the future? It’s in your hands as well as in fate’s hands. Live in the present, control your world and let the universe take care of the rest. Resentment: Refusing to let go of hurt and pain of the past is also an anchor which can weigh you down. Why worry about the past? It is gone. Self help and motivational books on how to be happy: Too much of these guides will only guide you into confusion. Happiness is a choice! Take action and create the happiness you deserve.  
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