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5 Valentine Ideas for the Very Single

As the “almighty” Valentine’s Day approaches, there seems to be so much drama between partners. For some, rapport improves at remarkable speed, and for others, break-ups loom. Verily, Valentine’s Day comes with a lot of anxiety these days. Single working class ladies are the biggest casualty of the Valentine frenzy. Having worked with several single ladies in some of Nigeria’s biggest banks, I have come to realize that everyone wants to feel lovable, even at the expense of deceiving others. There once was a case of a girl sending a Valentine card or cake to herself while claiming it to be from some fictitious ‘admirer’. This is understandable though- she wanted to feel like others, who were being sent gifts by genuine admirers. We’ve come up with few ideas that will help our single folks focus on V-day as a day essentially about love in general- love for yourself, your friends, your family and for the world. These ideas will basically work for everybody no matter your relationship status. Spoil yourself. As we said, Valentine’s Day is a day dedicated to love. Spending the day pampering yourself makes perfect sense. You may just leave work an hour early and head to the health club for a refreshing massage or stay home, order a takeout and marathon every movie your favourite movie star has been in. With no one to please, just go ahead and spoil yourself silly. Go after what you want.  If spoiling yourself seems rather too indulgent, do something different and use the day to start and complete something you have been meaning to do for a while. Rearrange your room to give it a new look. Change your hairdo to give you a new look. Or enroll for that online course you have been meaning to take. Use the day to go after your dream. After all, you deserve the best. Pick up a new interest.  Interested in learning to dance Salsa? Want to learn to play the piano? Wish you could cook Banga soup? Task yourself to do something you haven’t done before, or seldom get to do because of your schedule. Show love to someone around you. Randomly show acts of kindness to the people around you. Give Valentine cards to your co-workers and friends, as well as those not so close to you, like the destitute across the street from where you live. Buy meals for the underprivileged around you. Seeing their faces light up because of your gifts will fill you with joy and fulfillment in a most distinct way. Take yourself to a resort. If you are off work, you might want to visit a nearby resort for a day of pure fun. Who knows, it might be the day when you meet your significant other. Spend the day at the beach, or a five- star hotel. Make it a memorable Valentine’s Day.   Have a lovely Valentine’s Day!
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