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5 Truths Your Child Should Know about Christmas

 Most children look forward to Christmas celebration every year, but year in year out, fewer children can still connect to the reason for the season. These days, all they are excited about is the fact that they’ll get gifts from their loved ones, wishes for Santa Claus and the events, parties, fun activities and specially made dishes associated with Christmas. We miss out on the opportunity to tell them why Christmas. Here are five truths your child should know about Christmas. 1. Christ is the reason for Christmas: Make it a ritual every year to gather your children on Christmas morning and tell them about the reason for Christmas. Tell them all about Jesus Christ. Make them understand that the birth of Christ was not ordinary. Teach them that Christ is God’s greatest gift to mankind. 2. Christ is God and we can trust him with the circumstances of our lives: Let them know that because they was no one else God could send, He gave himself for us. As God, he has always existed, but Christ (God) became man after Mary gave birth to him. This is why we can trust God with the circumstances of our lives even if just like a puzzle, it makes no sense to us. 3. Christ had a humble beginning: Let them see how a humble beginning is not a limitation to how far they can go. Christ was called the King of the Jews and Messiah yet his family possessed little. Let them know that the quality of a person is not in their riches or possessions but in their hearts. 4. Not everyone will worship Christ: Everyone might observe Christmas but not everyone will acknowledge the reason for it. Some might say they acknowledge Christ but actions will always speak louder. 5. This is why they need to tell their friends about Christ, the reason: Christ gave us a commission before he left that we should tell the world about him. So encourage your kids to talk to their friends about the love of God expressed through Christ.
Are there any more truths you feel children should know about Christmas? Share them with us in the comment section below. We’ll love to hear from you
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