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BKG Exhibitions Limited

The organizers of the annual Lagos International Motor Fair & Autoparts Expo Nigeria have announced a date and venue for the forthcoming edition. According to the Managing Director BKG Exhibitions Limited, Mr Ifeanyichukwu Agwu, who is also the Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the event the 14th Edition of the Motor Fair as well as the 8th edition of the Autoparts Expo will hold at the Federal Palace Hotel, Ahmadu Bello Way Victoria Island, Lagos on from the 6th – 11th, 2019 and 8th-11th, May, 2019 respectively.

According to Mr Agwu at a press briefing to announce the kickoff of arrangements for the event, this edition is holding despite all odds against it to ensure that the automotive sector of the Nigerian economy remains in the front burner of economic discuss in Nigeria having in mind the developments in the political arena. He stressed that this is informed by the determination of the Organizers to champion the development and thriving of autoparts sub-sector as leeway to fast-tracking the development of Nigeria’s automotive industry.

“In this edition as we have been doing for sometimes now we will champion the need to institute and drive a well thought out policy and programme to rejig the sector to seeing to making Nigeria the hub of automotive business in West Africa in particular and the entire continent in general.   

-Mr. Ifeanyichukwu Agwu, Managing Director BKG Exhibitions Limited

The Chairman of the Organizing Committee called on the Federal Government to focus on how to seeing that auto spare parts manufacture in Nigeria is used to drive the policy of automobile manufacturing in Nigeria.

“Spare parts is the place where the real technology transfer takes place. It involves precision and proper planning more than the coupling that takes place in assembling. This will give rise to establishing of more Original Equipment Manufacturers and increase employment”.

-Mr. Ifeanyichukwu Agwu

He said that there should be a review of the ongoing auto policy to make it achieve the desired ends.

The sector is very important as it shows physically the state of the economy and it generates much revenue and creates enormous employment. No serious government toys with it. Auto sector was one of the key sectors that received bailout from the American government during the last global economic meltdown and it helped to revamp the economy. It is a sector that drives the economy; if it is badly affected, other sectors suffers. It is the artery 0f the economy. Government should parley seriously with the sector stakeholders to seeing how it could be made better.

“Organizing the event has been very challenging we are only trying to find a way to push it as a key event the sector we cannot but use the event to draw the necessary attention on the sector . Government should increase supports in all ramifications to the automobile companies operating in the country. It is a sector that affects virtually everything. It occupies prime position in the economy. If it is not done now it will in the very near future affect a whole lot in the life of the people and economy. The challenges of hosting this event is becoming higher but our drive in continuing is that the sector must not be allowed to die.

-Mr. Ifeanyichukwu Agwu

Urging every stakeholder to endeavour to show up at the event billed to take place at the Federal Palace Hotel, Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos from May 6-11, 2019; Mr. Agwu added that doing so will be an opportunity for all to show the strength and ruggedness of the players in the sector.-the policy inconsistencies notwithstanding. “Without re-fleeting, accidents rates will increase astronomically; calling on government to really think deep about developing this sector. In unison the stakeholders can put the issues of the sector in the front burners of economic discuss and policy in the country.

“The Autoparts Expo segment of the event is doing well and we are looking at involving a lot countries in West and Central Africa in the edition. This we have kick-started by extending invites to players in the autoparts business in those countries to visit the fair. We are aiming at using the Nigerian Autoparts markets as the hub of the sectors business in Africa. The intention is to make them [players from the other countries] to be buying from the Nigerian markets. In no distant future it will become a big event spreading to other countries in the continent. Nigeria has the resources and capacity to play such a role and it will be a very big disservice to Nigeria and its people if another African country does this ahead of Nigeria.

-Mr. Ifeanyichukwu Agwu

In conjunction with our foreign partners, we have reached out to many of such companies and happily the response has been tremendous and we are expecting close a lot of them. Our intention in bringing them is to enable Nigerians and neighbouring West Africans engaged in auto spare business work out rewarding and lasting business relationships with the main companies engaged in the manufacture of auto spare parts.

“We are expecting over 20 Automobile and 200 Autoparts/Accessories Firms including those from allied sectors to participate in this 14th & 8th edition. Each of the days of the event is loaded with activities and events that will make this edition remarkably rewarding to the exhibitors, visitors and other stakeholders”.

-Mr. Ifeanyichukwu Agwu

Featured image source: BKG Exhibitions Limited

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