With less than 175 days to go, the year 2022 is now in its second half. For many, the first half of the year brought amazing opportunities and accomplishments their way while for many others, the first half of the year was not all that exciting.
The good news is that no matter where you find yourself, the second half of the year presents you with a unique opportunity to do better for yourself and end the year on a high note. To be able to do that and end the year on a high note, there are certain important steps you must take. These steps involve taking stock of the year so far, reviewing and setting new goals for the remainder of the year.
The steps can be engaged by anyone, anywhere, no matter what you have or have not achieved already for yourself.
Have A Change Of Attitude
This is the first step I believe you need to take to make the most of the year’s second half. Attitude refers to your general disposition or state of mind. Having a change of attitude here refers to you changing the way you see the second half of the year. Instead of telling yourself that there is no more time left in the year, make yourself see that there is just enough time for you to get certain things done.
The challenge of maintaining an attitude of ‘I am running out of time’ is that you put yourself under unnecessary pressure that could impend your decision-making and productivity.
Review The First Half
The next important thing to do is to review the first half of the year. This is to help you understand how you have fared regarding the goals you set out for yourself and other opportunities that presented themselves to you within the first half. To help you do that, here are a few questions you need to ask yourself:
- What were the goals I set out at the beginning of the year?
- Which of the goals have I achieved so far?
- What played great roles in helping me achieve them?
- Which of the goals am I yet to achieve?
- What were the challenges I have faced?
- What unplanned opportunities came my way in the first half?
- Which of those opportunities did I take hold of and which ones did I not?
- What new things did I learn in the first half?
Set Goals For The Second Half
When you have reviewed the first half of the year, asking yourself the questions highlighted above, the next important step is to set goals for the second half. By this time of the year, you already know what you can work on and what you can leave for later. So setting goals for your second half will in many ways be different from the goals you set in the year.
For instance, if at the beginning of the year, you set a goal to travel abroad for study and by this time you don’t have an offer, then it simply means that you may not eventually travel out for study this year. So, in setting goals for the second half, you are being strategic and realistic with yourself.
To help you do that, here are questions you can ask yourself:
- Which of my 2022 goals are still relevant and realistic?
- Which of them are no longer relevant and realistic?
- What new things and skills can I acquire before the end of the year?
- What new connections do I need to build?
- What opportunities should I look out for or pursue?
- When you have answered the above questions, you would have found out the important things you should be focusing on for the remainder of the year. Set goals around these things.
Develop A Plan For Implementation And Get To Work
When you have set out the goals you need to work on in the second half of the year, the next important thing to do is to develop a plan for yourself on how to execute the goals you have set. In your plan, you should be able to give timelines for each of the goals and set out practical steps toward achieving them.
For instance, let’s say one of your goals is to make 2.4 million Naira before the end of 2022, you can set out your plan as follows:
- 5 million divided by the remaining months of the year = 400,000 Naira per month
- 400,000 naira divided by 4 weeks of the month = 100,000 naira
- 100,000 naira divided by 5 working days of the week = 20,000 naira
- Ask yourself, what can I do to make 20,000 Naira every day till the end of the year?
- Or ask yourself, what can I do to make 100,000 every week till the end of the year?
- Or what can I do to make 400,000 every month till the end of the year?
- Use the same strategy to plan around every other goal you have set out for yourself. Choose the best option for you and work to meet up with it.
Concluding Thoughts
I have only provided you with a guide. Tweak it to suit your realities. Remember, at the end of the year, you are the only one that can tell yourself whether or not you ended the year on a high note.
Featured Image Source: Verywell MindGot a suggestion? Contact us: editor@connectnigeria.com
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