Archives Tag: mobile security
10 Ways to Protect Your Phone from Being Stolen in Public
April 19, 2022
I know right? If we all had a nickel, for every time something was stolen from us in public. Public theft has increasingly become rampant. It’s starting to feel like a legit job people get trained for. People that perpetrate such heinous acts, ride on other people’s negligence and or ignorance to cart away with valuables like … Continue reading 10 Ways to Protect Your Phone from Being Stolen in Public

New Meltdown and Spectre Security Vulnerability Threaten Mobile Devices and PCs
April 19, 2022
A new player (or players) on the security flaw front has just been discovered by a band of researchers, and the flaws which are known to exist in the processor chips that power mobile devices and PCs (including those made by Intel, AMD, and ARM), could be exploited and used to steal very sensitive data … Continue reading New Meltdown and Spectre Security Vulnerability Threaten Mobile Devices and PCs