
Search result for: Wellness

Social Media

Social Media Accounts To Follow: 4 Male Fitness And Wellness Coaches To Follow

April 19, 2022

While staying fit and getting in shape is a necessity for everyone, it can be quite difficult maintaining this lifestyle especially when you don’t have access to a fitness regimen. This is where the importance of a fitness and wellness coach comes into play.  A few weeks ago, we looked at some female fitness and wellness … Continue reading Social Media Accounts To Follow: 4 Male Fitness And Wellness Coaches To Follow

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Wellness: 6 Foods That Reduce You Risk Of Having A Heart Attack

April 19, 2022

Heart disease is still a leading cause of death around the world. Thankfully, you can boost your heart health by paying attention to your daily habits, mood, and diet.  If you want to improve your overall wellbeing and decrease the risks of a heart attack in the future, here are some foods to consider including … Continue reading Wellness: 6 Foods That Reduce You Risk Of Having A Heart Attack

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Social Media

Social Media Accounts To Follow: 4 Female Fitness And Wellness Coaches You Should Be Following

April 19, 2022

If you’re reading this post, then there is a high likelihood that one of your goals for 2020 is to keep fit and stay in shape. While you can achieve this goal by sticking to a fitness regimen and staying consistent, it is easier said than done. This is where the importance of a fitness … Continue reading Social Media Accounts To Follow: 4 Female Fitness And Wellness Coaches You Should Be Following

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Wellness: 6 More Signs Of Kidney Disease You Should Never Ignore

April 19, 2022

Kidney disease can affect anyone at any age and comes with a number of symptoms that are sometimes attributed to other conditions. This is why it is important to be familiar with the symptoms and early detection can help improve outcomes. In a previous post, we listed a number of symptoms that can indicate kidney disease. … Continue reading Wellness: 6 More Signs Of Kidney Disease You Should Never Ignore

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Wellness: 5 Signs Of Kidney Disease That You Should Never Ignore

April 19, 2022

Our kidneys play a major role in the proper functioning of the body. Unfortunately, most kidney diseases can develop without any obvious symptoms. As a result, some people find out about their kidney disease at an advanced stage, when they have lost up to 90% of their kidney function.  If you have any of the … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Signs Of Kidney Disease That You Should Never Ignore

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Wellness: 5 Reasons To Make Walking A Daily Habit

April 19, 2022

Walking might be a low-intensity exercise but there are many health benefits it can offer the body. Not only does it benefit you physically but it can boost your mental wellbeing as well. Moreover, it is free, requires little effort, and can be included as part of your daily routine. Below are some reasons why … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Reasons To Make Walking A Daily Habit

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Wellness: 5 Great Health Benefits Of Quitting Sugar

April 19, 2022

Aside from the more obvious reasons to quit sugar such as diabetes and weight gain, there are several other ways in which sugar can affect your body. Excessive sugar can have negative effects on your cholesterol levels and affect your brain to alter the chemistry of your brain to a significant level. With these 5 … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Great Health Benefits Of Quitting Sugar

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Wellness: 5 Morning Habits You Should Quit In 2020

April 19, 2022

There’s always emphasis on the morning and starting it the right way. This is because your morning habits can either make or break your day. Do you hit the snooze button or forget to open the curtains in the morning? If yes, this post is for you. Find below 5-morning habits you should quit in 2020 … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Morning Habits You Should Quit In 2020

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Wellness: 10 Wellness Tips To Keep You Hale And Hearty In 2020

April 19, 2022

As you enter the new year, here are 10 wellness tips to abide by. Remember that health is wealth.  Avoid living a sedentary life  You may have heard the saying: “sitting is the new smoking”. There is mounting evidence to show that spending too much time sitting increases the risks for several kinds of health … Continue reading Wellness: 10 Wellness Tips To Keep You Hale And Hearty In 2020

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Wellness: 5 More Surprising Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

April 19, 2022

In case you’re a lover of chocolate and you’ve been looking for excuses to indulge, then you might have just found yourself some. Dark Chocolate has a mind-blogging number of health benefits that prove that it is a superfood. In a previous article, we took a look at some of these health benefits but we’ve gone … Continue reading Wellness: 5 More Surprising Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

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Wellness: 5 Ways To Cope And Stay Cool During A Heat Wave

April 19, 2022

During the dry season in Nigeria, the weather is hotter than usual. Coping in the extreme temperatures can be challenging for everyone. Here are a few hacks and tips that can help you keep cool during a heat wave  Try as much as possible to keep air flowing in your home. Heat can interfere with … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Ways To Cope And Stay Cool During A Heat Wave

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Wellness: 4 Simple Tests You Can Do At Home To Check If You’re Healthy

April 19, 2022

Many illnesses go unnoticed and may not show any obvious symptoms or signs until they are advanced. While the right thing to do is to go for regular checkups, this is not always possible due to a whole number of different reasons.  Here are some simple tests you can do at home to check your … Continue reading Wellness: 4 Simple Tests You Can Do At Home To Check If You’re Healthy

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Wellness: 5 Surprising Things That May Be Reducing Your Testosterone Levels

April 19, 2022

In the past, we posted an article on the things you can do as a man to increase your testosterone levels. While it is good to pay attention to these things, it is also good to be aware of the things you may be unknowingly doing that are causing your testosterone levels to drop  Here are some … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Surprising Things That May Be Reducing Your Testosterone Levels

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Wellness: 5 Warning Signs That Indicate Your Heart Is Not Working Properly

April 19, 2022

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in both men and women around the world. Although there are many factors that can lead to heart problems, most of them come down to unhealthy lifestyle choices. Thankfully, your body always gives off a warning sign anytime a condition such as heart attack is on its … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Warning Signs That Indicate Your Heart Is Not Working Properly

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Wellness: 5 Surprising Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

April 19, 2022

Dark chocolate is one of the most popular treats around the world. Due to its sweet savour, most people wouldn’t consider it healthy food. However, there have been several studies to suggest that dark chocolate can provide your body with so many health benefits. Here are 5 of such benefits below:  Improves Your Mood  Chocolate improves … Continue reading Wellness: 5 Surprising Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

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