
Search result for: Wellness

Health Website Review

Websites We Love: Mentally Aware (MANI)

April 19, 2022

  In places like Africa, mental health issues still attract a huge stigma. This is because psychological disorders are easily misunderstood and can be tricky to handle. Read more about Websites we love This is further compounded by the tendency of many individuals to resort to unhelpful methods of treatment or label mental health issues … Continue reading Websites We Love: Mentally Aware (MANI)

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How To Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: How To Overcome Depression 

April 19, 2022

  There’s no one-size-fit-for-all approach when it comes to dealing with depression. While some people overcome it by adopting good habits, others find a solution in therapy or medication. However, it is undeniable that depression can only be overcome by taking action. Read more about Monday Motivation One powerful way to overcome depression is by … Continue reading Monday Motivation: How To Overcome Depression 

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Customer Vs Audience

April 19, 2022

  In the article I shared previously, I shared that your consumers may not always be your customers. If you are yet to see that, read it here. In the same vein, not all your target audience is your target customers. I know this sounds weird but it took me a while to realize this. … Continue reading Customer Vs Audience

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How To Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: How To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

April 19, 2022

  What would the best version of you look like? Would you be fitter, mentally sharper, wealthier, wiser, or more generous? It’s great to have a vision of what you would be if you were making the most of all your talents, resources, and opportunities. You see how your life could be a whole lot … Continue reading Monday Motivation: How To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

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Restaurant Review: Eve After Dark

April 19, 2022

  We live in the digital era. In this era, technology rules and convenience is the password. While both are vital for a stress-free existence, I consider the latter the oil in the wheels of business and lifestyle. Read more about Food Moreover, popular demand has made it a goal and a destination. In the … Continue reading Restaurant Review: Eve After Dark

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6 Tips For Healthy Living

April 19, 2022

  Life is a gift that we can either use or abuse. Each day we wake up, we make choices that become habits and these habits affect our health and wellbeing for better or for worse. Now, a lot of people have this erroneous belief that healthy living is just for adults, the overweight and … Continue reading 6 Tips For Healthy Living

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Why You Should Reduce Your Salt And Sugar Intake

April 19, 2022

  Salt and sugar are important nutrient sources for Nigerians, as they are for people all over the world. They are often added to meals to make them tastier, but their usefulness extends beyond the pleasant stimuli they deliver to our palettes. Read more about Wellness Sugar provides an instant energy boost to the human … Continue reading Why You Should Reduce Your Salt And Sugar Intake

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Six Tips On Staying Hydrated

April 19, 2022

  The dry season is here. We can all testify to the hotness of the weather. The intense heat leaves most of us who are not moving from A.C. to A.C. feeling drained. This is why hydration which is a constant necessity is more important at this time as the body needs to replace the … Continue reading Six Tips On Staying Hydrated

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Did You Know? Food

Did You Know? 5 Ways To Reduce Your Salt Intake

April 19, 2022

  Salt is a valuable ingredient that has been used from time immemorial to flavour food and preserve fresh livestock. In ancient times, it was an extremely valuable commodity. Read more about Did you know? In some parts of Nigeria, it was exchanged weight for weight with gold. Because of its scarce nature, it was … Continue reading Did You Know? 5 Ways To Reduce Your Salt Intake

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Health Social Media

Social Media Influencer Of The Week: Chioma Nwakanma-Akanno (Dr. Zobo)

April 19, 2022

  Chioma Nwakanma-Akanno is a medical doctor, public health advocate, and campaigner for women’s reproductive health. On social media, she’s known as Dr Zobo; there she shares content and engages the public on pressing healthcare issues. Read more about Social media influencers As an influencer, she’s aiming to make more Nigerians aware of the dangers … Continue reading Social Media Influencer Of The Week: Chioma Nwakanma-Akanno (Dr. Zobo)

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8 Ways To Improve The Quality Of Your Sleep

April 19, 2022

  It’s hard to overstate the importance of getting good sleep. When you have enough of it at night, you wake up feeling refreshed and reenergized. But if you’re deprived of sleep, you become tired, stressed, disoriented, and unable to keep up with your daily tasks. Read more about Wellness Over the medium to long … Continue reading 8 Ways To Improve The Quality Of Your Sleep

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Social Media

Social Media Influencer Of The Week: Nonso Egemba (Aproko Doctor)

April 19, 2022

If you’re regularly on Twitter, chances are you’ve at least run into a tweet by the ‘Aproko Doctor’. His tweets are often about health matters: the importance of exercise, eating healthy, avoiding late-night snaking, first aid tips, and other health management advice. Read more about Social media influencers He’s been a hit on that platform. … Continue reading Social Media Influencer Of The Week: Nonso Egemba (Aproko Doctor)

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Brands We Love, Valentine Edition: The Lekki Gift Company

April 19, 2022

For many people, Valentine’s Day isn’t complete without gifts being given or received. The good-natured atmosphere of the day should be stoked by shiny parcels tied up with ribbons, or baskets containing a plethora of goodies. It just seems right.  But not everyone has the time to put together a gift package that their intended … Continue reading Brands We Love, Valentine Edition: The Lekki Gift Company

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: Maintaining A Positive Mindset

April 19, 2022

Life does not promise to present the sweet things we crave on a daily basis. In fact, as they say, challenges are the spices that form and refine a person into a fine finished product or personality. However, the outcome of the challenges is dependent on our reaction during the trying times. A negative mindset … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Maintaining A Positive Mindset

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SME Spotlight: Fitness Plus

April 19, 2022

  Nigeria’s fitness industry is booming. Over the past decade, numerous gyms and fitness centres have popped up in cities across the country. The first spark of this fledgeling movement appeared in the bigger metropolises, but there’s recently been a wave of gym openings in second-tier urban centres as well. Read more about SME Spotlight … Continue reading SME Spotlight: Fitness Plus

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