
Search result for: Men You Should Know


LWTZE: The War Against Domestic Violence.

April 19, 2022

There are so many fractions of life that need support and a voice. Of late a lot of violent stories have been released and it gives others a glimpse into the rampant lives of abuse in our society especially between couples who supposedly love each other.

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Discover Nigeria Personality

Discover Nigeria: The Greatest Boxer, Dick Tiger

April 19, 2022

“One, Two, Three… Ten”, the referee cried, as the bell went off, signaling the end of the bout. It was the tenth round. And this boxing match had lingered an age in Rubin “Hurricane” Carter’s mind. He had been felled three times by this African from Nigeria in front of a home crowd at Madison Square Garden, New York.

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How To Succeed at Exams, Top Study Tips

April 19, 2022

1. Stick to the Plan
If you have a lot of exams coming up, it is very crucial that you set a revision time-table that will allow you to cover the subjects’ weeks before the exams. Identify the subjects you know you are weaker on and tackle them first. Doing this will lessen your panic when the exams approach.

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Marrying Later, Marrying Smarter

April 19, 2022

I always wanted to get married at 22. To this day I’m not sure exactly why, but the idea of being a beautiful young bride – and getting childbearing out of the way early – greatly appealed to me. Now, of course, I’m grateful I didn’t marry at 22, but I also find myself wondering what kind of wife I would have made at that age.

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Top 10: Nigerian Fashion Designers

April 19, 2022

Fashion, from ages past, has been an aspect of culture that evokes the very spirit, nature and power of the people that own it. The Nigerian spirit and culture has always been a very vibrant, colorful, flamboyant and an irrepressible one. This fullness of life and diverse richness is hard to capture, tame and reintroduce into the current trends of the fashion world but some unique fashion icons has been able to do just that.

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iConnect Stuff

The Beauty of the year: 2012

April 19, 2022

If you like numbers (mathematics), figures or the whole arithmetic world then you will defiantly love this. Something caught my attention some days back, it’s something we all know but I guess a lot of us never took note of it, well to cut the long speech short, it’s the calendar arrangement of the months in the year 2012, you will notice something unique about them, it is far from the regular.

By kobe

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Tips on How to Eat Fresh and Healthy

April 19, 2022

Healthy ways to eat is something we’ve all heard one way or the other, guess it’s now a worn out cliché, but we all know the phrase “health is wealth”, so I don’t think it will be out of place if I stress on the importance of eating fresh and healthy.

By kobe

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When Love Ends: Stages, Songs and Lyrics on Breaking Up

April 19, 2022

Music may be the food of love, but when it comes to breakups, there is no better diet to heal the heart or worsen its condition than huge servings of moving lyrics. However, between a breakup and the healing, people experience different phases and lyrics often mirror these.

By jehonwa

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Make-up: The Do’s and the Don’ts and Maybes

April 19, 2022

Well, I am sure we have all noticed that one chic in the club or a party and wonder, “What the heck was she thinking?” It’s a well-known fact that some women tend to go overboard with the application of makeup. Here are some dos, don’ts and maybes.

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iConnect Relationships

Love Hurts! Take It or Leave It

April 19, 2022

So, it is like this; I woke up thinking through a couple of my experiences along my life’s journey, mostly at those moments I took, or rather, attempted to take a detour through the dark alleyways of love. There seemed to be a recurrent theme – love, like dark chocolate felt good, but more often than not, leaves a bitter, if not a sour taste in your mouth.

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8 Things To Never Say On A First Date

April 19, 2022

There is never a second chance for a first impression, remember that country song “first cut is the deepest”, it goes beyond that, first impressions may not be a standard to use in judging a person, but it tells a lot about us. First dates are stressful periods, you automatically find yourself trying to be too cautious of your words and deeds, you don’t want to lie or stretch the truth

By kobe

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Nigerian Accent and Proud!

April 19, 2022

I remember when I was coming back to Nigeria from school. People kept telling me not to talk with my Nigerian accent, that I should adopt the American accent so that people look at me with respect. I looked at myself and I felt like that would be living a lie but I wanted to try it out to see how true it could be.

By delebe

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Reasons Why Good Relationships Go Bad.

April 19, 2022

They are loads of reasons why beautiful relationships go sour. The only constant thing in life is change and a lot of people don’t welcome its presence. Life itself is in phases and so are relationships. It all starts from a five lettered word “hello” and after that the relationship begins to progress.

By kobe

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Letter to My Friend, the Bride

April 19, 2022

Girlfriend, I’m so thrilled that you’re getting married, and I absolutely must share with you some things I knew before I got married, and a few others things I wish someone had told me before I got married.

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How To Spot A Gold-Digger!

April 19, 2022

Although it is common knowledge that some women are gold-diggers, there are so many men too who would love to be a kept-man. Money is very important in life, noted, but the love of this money drives most to the edge of the world. If the occasional sexual relations and pretense that love is the main menu is going to get the money, might as well right.

By delebe

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