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LIFESTYLE Relationships

VIRGINITY: Till Marriage or Till Love?

April 19, 2022

By Bernice Alhassan. The issue of keeping one’s virginity till marriage has become a very controversial one in recent times; especially among ladies. For the guys, nobody seems to care much. After all, they say it’s a man’s world. Unfortunately, it is one of the several values which seem to be fading real fast. Growing … Continue reading VIRGINITY: Till Marriage or Till Love?

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What is Interpersonal Communication?

April 19, 2022

By Jonas Ezeanya [B.G] “To effectively communicate, we must realise that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others”. ~ Anthony Robbins   Effective interpersonal communication helps us express ourselves and share our thoughts with the people around us. Have … Continue reading What is Interpersonal Communication?

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Make Up For Success

April 19, 2022

By Oritsegbubemi Peace Pessu I remember taking a stroll just to cool off, let out some steam and get loose one evening, when I passed a lady and I gasped. Why? Her makeup was horrifying! Story cut short; she looked like a circus performer with the clash of colours on her face! It was a … Continue reading Make Up For Success

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Shoes: A Woman’s First Love!

April 19, 2022

By Oritsegbubemi Peace Pessu.             I love shoes! A weakness I just discovered. Irony is, I love them high considering that I am almost 6 feet if not more (don’t know my height, funny isn’t it?). Women love shoes and that is a fact. The question is how many pairs of shoes should you really … Continue reading Shoes: A Woman’s First Love!

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How To Get Rid Of Stress

April 19, 2022

By Kiki Omeili. Stress can be a result of being under too much pressure or doing too much work. At the point where work or pressure becomes too much for the body to cope with, then we say that a person is stressed. The normal working state of the body is called “Homeostasis” and anything … Continue reading How To Get Rid Of Stress

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NIGERIAN PREMIER LEAGUE: Can We Ever Have The Same Passion For Our Local Teams?

April 19, 2022

By Arinze Ude. It’s becoming a culture nowadays to support Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur, Manchester City, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Inter Milan, Bayern Munich, AC Milan or Juventus and I’ve been pondering if we could ever have the same passion for our local clubsides. Our poor domestic league is a drawback to the … Continue reading NIGERIAN PREMIER LEAGUE: Can We Ever Have The Same Passion For Our Local Teams?

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The Perfect Wedding Dress.

April 19, 2022

 By Oritsegbubemi Peace Pessu I grow mushy and onion-eyed with a tug to my heart at wedding venues, thinking about mine, oh! I’m all so dreamy about it too, you know, ‘Cinderella-ish’, expectant and wide eyed. But my jerk to reality is the arrival of the bride and like a bullet, I shoot straight out of … Continue reading The Perfect Wedding Dress.

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Buying A New Laptop? 7 Things To Consider.

April 19, 2022

By Bernice Alhassan. It’s a pretty funny way to start but at I’m boiling over in laughter at the thought of my first laptop which I didn’t buy myself. It had an eighteen gigabyte hard drive memory which was just twice my phone’s memory by the way, 512MB RAM (sorry about the technical terms, but … Continue reading Buying A New Laptop? 7 Things To Consider.

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Beauty Food Health LIFESTYLE

Aloe Vera: How To Use The Natural Healer

April 19, 2022

By HairBack Aloe Vera is popular in the cosmetics industry, as the gel is seen as an ingredient in many skin care products and even hair products. This plant which is easy to cultivate is known for its numerous medicinal properties. The Aloe Vera leaf contains over 90% water, and the rest being essential vitamins … Continue reading Aloe Vera: How To Use The Natural Healer

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LIFESTYLE Relationships

Get It Right: The Leggings Fad!

April 19, 2022

By Oritsegbubemi Peace Pessu. Spandex, Lycra, leather, bright colors, black, white or stripped, Leggings are one of the biggest fashion trends, seen everywhere we look. Continuously going in and out of fashion since its debut in the late 1980s, still in trend and mostly seen on ‘popular faces’, leggings which are “tight-fitting stretch pants” are … Continue reading Get It Right: The Leggings Fad!

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Reading: The Path To A Better Life

April 19, 2022

Gradually the reading trend is slowing fading; it’s endangered like species of animal on the verge of extinction. Priorities have shifted grounds, a paradigm that it’s not beneficial to this present generation and the one next to come. Reading should be a daily routine, a part of one’s life and should be treated as essential like health is to our lives.

By kobe

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Lagos Traffic: The New Laws And Solutions.

April 19, 2022

Traffic is a common issue for cities; it delays engagements, can be damaging to your health, and is tied to several other challenges -– depending on how developed a city is. Lagos, the commercial hub of Nigeria, is known for terrible road traffic during rush hour and other unexpected times. The situation is common across several routes, with pollution in the air and howling discomfort for drivers, passengers and pedestrians.

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Eating Fruits: When, How and Why!

April 19, 2022

We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It’s not as easy as you think. It’s important to know how and when to eat fruits.

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Quick Tips: Handling Fire Accidents.

April 19, 2022

Fire poses one of the biggest risks in workplaces, schools and homes in recent times. Unfortunately, it is a much neglected issue in many of these places today. As a result, a lot of folks have little or no idea as to how a fire outbreak should be appropriately handled. This often leads to panic and subsequent damage and destruction of what could otherwise have been saved.

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Food Health

The Wonders and Health Benefits of the Apple Fruit

April 19, 2022

A healthy diet should contain an array of nutrient-dense foods, such as vegetables and fruits. And that’s why the apple is a wonder fruit – on its own, one apple is packed full of vital nutrients which help you achieve maximum health. Like the old saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Ever wondered why that saying came to be?

By kobe

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