
Search result for: Men You Should Know


10 Things to Watch Out for When Renting a House!

April 19, 2022

My friends, who I have been waiting on God for, have finally started getting married. Before I got married, it never occurred to me that I could let my husband know I didn’t like our place because it was not close enough to my work place. Not that it was, but that I COULD actually … Continue reading 10 Things to Watch Out for When Renting a House!

By pagboga

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Trust in Relationships

April 19, 2022

By Oritsegbubemi Peace Pessu This is an issue that is applicable to every relationship in life, but in this case I’m going to limited it to the man-woman relationship. Trust is the treasure of our daily lives but generally, trust is gradually disappearing. I ask myself “why have we become so suspicious that we cannot … Continue reading Trust in Relationships

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Introducing the Enterprise Creative Freelance Clinics (Freelance Fridays)

April 19, 2022

Are you a producer, writer, photographer, web designer, graphic artist, fashion designer, filmmaker, or involved in ANY creative profession? Do your creative interests provide a way for you to earn a living? Would you like the opportunity to share ideas with, and gain knowledge from industry leaders and peers alike? Then you should take advantage … Continue reading Introducing the Enterprise Creative Freelance Clinics (Freelance Fridays)

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Discover Nigeria History

DISCOVER NIGERIA: The Coup Speeches Of General Abacha

April 19, 2022

 By Nehi Igbinijesu. On 31stDecember 1983, the shrill voice of a relatively unknown army officer was heard over the radio. A Brigadier at his debut, Sani Abacha is reputed in Nigeria’s history with making the most coup speeches on air. Starting at his first in 1983, the untethered caprices of this generalissimo culminated in his … Continue reading DISCOVER NIGERIA: The Coup Speeches Of General Abacha

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Business Profiles

Business Profile: Media Genius International.

April 19, 2022

Some moments should last forever. Like the steps of a bride at her wedding, every signup on your first business exhibition, the laughter at your child’s birthday party, inspiring speeches at your seminar or the praise at your thanksgiving. There are just some moments that we all want to last forever. To capture every special … Continue reading Business Profile: Media Genius International.

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Ban of Motorcycles In Lagos: Pros And Cons

April 19, 2022

By Eru Kobe Godwin Lagos is the commercial capital of Nigeria, a coastal city known for its commerce and industrial activities, influx of goods and commodities at sea and airports, creating a wide range of international trade. Commercial cities are prone to population growth, and mobility is essential in such areas, via land (road, rail) … Continue reading Ban of Motorcycles In Lagos: Pros And Cons

By kobe

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How to make him feel special (He too deserves a treat)

April 19, 2022

By Oritsegbubemi Peace Pessu Ladies get so wrapped up in the whole “he should get me flowers, oh some chocolate, he should surprise me with gifts”, we want, want and want that we forget to give back to the men neglecting the fact that they want to be treated specially too. Like women, men need … Continue reading How to make him feel special (He too deserves a treat)

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The 3Ps To Starting A Business.

April 19, 2022

 By Tunde Owoeye-Phoster. It is the entrepreneurial deception that causes for a lot of copy-cat businesses. Ngozi sees that there is a store on her street that sells flour (for baking) in bags, she sees a lot of truckload of flour being delivered into this store and at the same time hundreds of customers trooping … Continue reading The 3Ps To Starting A Business.

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ALUU Tragedy: Can There Be Any Justice?

April 19, 2022

By Tessa Doghor. Today I am not very articulate in my writing, I don’t want to be, I woke up this morning with the *ALUU4 on my mind. If you have not heard of them yet then you are either not Nigerian, not an activist of any kind or unfamiliar with what is going on … Continue reading ALUU Tragedy: Can There Be Any Justice?

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iConnect LIFESTYLE Stuff

The Little Lefty

April 19, 2022

By Adaora Ude The little girl’s voice was tiny yet firm. ‘’ I don’t want to go to school mummy, I won’t go, please don’t make me.’’ The day before, she had cried and cried and refused to go to school, and being just 3 years old, her mother indulged her and let her stay … Continue reading The Little Lefty

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5P Model For Achieving True Career Success…

April 19, 2022

By Olujimi Tewe. I do hope you started today with a smile and not a frown. If you are doing what you love or are doing something about getting into work you love, you would probably have started the week with a smile. If your case is otherwise or you just simply desire much more out … Continue reading 5P Model For Achieving True Career Success…

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EXCERPT: The Foreign Otondo – NYSC Survival Guide.

April 19, 2022

The Foreign Otondo is a book written by Kemi Ogunniyi, a communication/ business consultant, writer and editor, that serves as a guide for recent international based graduates who intend to return to Nigeria in order to participate in the National Youth Service Program in Nigeria. We had earlier on written about the book in September but if … Continue reading EXCERPT: The Foreign Otondo – NYSC Survival Guide.

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News Stuff

Round Seven: Wole Soyinka Awards For Investigative Journalism Begins!

April 19, 2022

Professor Wole Soyinka’s Center for Investigative Journalism is set to award journalists for their work and reports that has been received by the Nigerian audience. The award is open to professional Nigerian journalist or team of journalists, full-time or freelancers, who have produced a news story published between 26 October 2011 and 3 October 2012 … Continue reading Round Seven: Wole Soyinka Awards For Investigative Journalism Begins!

By david

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iConnect News Personality

President Goodluck Jonathan’s Independence Day Speech [FULL TEXT]

April 19, 2022

Beloved countrymen and women, on this day, fifty-two years ago, our founding fathers brought joy and hope to the hearts of our people when they won independence for our great country. Nigeria made a clean break with more than six decades of colonial rule, and emerged as a truly independent nation. That turning point was … Continue reading President Goodluck Jonathan’s Independence Day Speech [FULL TEXT]


How To Dress Slimmer!

April 19, 2022

By Oristegbubemi Peace Pessu. There are many times where I’ve had a wardrobe crisis because I felt and looked fat in whatever I put on. On such days, the needle on how sexy and confident I feel about myself definitely pointed towards the negative side of the scale. At those times, I resorted to the … Continue reading How To Dress Slimmer!

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