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For a lot of these exercises, you’ll begin noticing changes within days. But it’ll take a while for you to begin bulking up and taking the figure you’ve always wanted for yourself. Nevertheless, it’ll be good for you. You’ll get more than just a picture-perfect look; your energy levels will rise, your heart will be healthier, and you’ll be sharper all around. Here are eight exercises you can start today that will give you muscles without lifting difficult loads.
At first glance, this seems like the easiest of the lot. But if you’ve ever tried jogging consistently for a long time, you’ll know that it can be hard work. Thankfully, the benefits far outweigh the initial tiredness and gasping for air. Running long distances, even at a slow and steady pace will burn body fat and bolster your muscles, especially the ones on your leg.Wide Push-Ups
This is like a regular push-up; the difference is that your hands are some way below your shoulder, and your arms are farther apart than your shoulder’s width. Pushups are great for building muscles in your upper body and making your chest look broader.Diamond Push-Ups
Again, this is like a regular press-up. But in this case, you have your hands close to each other, so that both thumbs and index fingers meet at their tips, forming a diamond-like shape (hence the name). This exercise increases arm, shoulder, upper body, and core strength. It’s especially good for your chest muscles.Step-Ups
As the name suggests, this workout involves taking steps on something. First, you place a knee-high bench in front of you. Then you step on top of the bench with one of your feet. This Makes the other feet trail as it joins the first at the top. Then withdraw the first leg back to a standing position, and step on the bench’s top with the second leg. This time, the first leg trails. Repeat this continuously.Sign up to the Connect Nigeria daily newsletter
This exercise burns the fat in your lower body and boosts your stamina. It strengthens the muscles in your leg and backside.
Pullups involve you lurching upwards, so it helps to strengthen your biceps and core, among other muscles. What you’ll need is a long rod that’s securely wedged over your head. Reach for it with both arms (they should be spread apart), and lift yourself from the ground and towards the rod, with your elbows facing the ground from where it’s at. Do this repeatedly.Squats
Squats are a good option if you want something that works your legs, back, and core at the same time. It builds the muscles in your thighs and back and makes your lower body stronger. It also reduces your risk of getting an injury when you do work that strains these parts of your body.Split Squat
Here’s how the split squat works: Take a big, extended step forward with your right leg. Make the left leg that’s following behind bend to kneel on the ground. The right knee should now form a 90-degree angle under its knee. Then lift the left leg, and take another large step forward, and let the right leg that’s trailing bend to a kneeling position. The left knee now takes a 90-degree position. Repeat several times. This workout increases the muscle mass and strength of both your legs.Bodyweight Dip
Stand with your back to a chair. Dip towards the chair and grab it with each hand shoulder-width-apart. Now, extend your legs forward and away from you. Let your body go down slowly towards the ground, until both your elbows form a 90-degree shape. Then lift your body again. Do this repeatedly. The bodyweight dip adds muscle mass to your upper body and increases its flexibility.Final Words
Now you have eight ways to strengthen and increase your muscle mass, without lifting anything (besides your own body). Try them today, and watch your body respond positively. Featured Image Source: iStockGot a suggestion? Contact us: editor@connectnigeria.com
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